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  1. P

    Sour Ale

    so i now that pasturising is heating the wort up (not sure how hot) then rapidly cooling in order to kill the yeast but does this affect the beer like a know that alcohol evaporates with heat (i think haha) and somethimes i boil yeast to make yeast nutrient so how does the paturising work ive...
  2. P


    so if as happened with my first go at steeping grains i had quite a bit of grain get into the fermentor and can see little bits of them in the yeast sediment in my bottles... would cause tannin extraction yes? might've just found the reason this beer is undrinkable if this si true
  3. P

    Sour Ale

    btw, how did your beer turn out, was it low hopped ? well its hard to say how the sour mash affected it as i had a problem with yeasts as my temps wernt high enough but its defidently got a big barnyard aroma and if i made it again i'd have more carbonation and more late hops preferably citrus...
  4. P

    Sour Ale

    the easiest one iv heard of is heat some water up in a pint put grains in fill to the brim (as any o2 space can cause molds to grow) put glad wrap over leave for a day-3 depending on how sour and crazy you are off a byo flying fish farmhouse ale recipe
  5. P

    Beerfest 2009

    this mayb sound silly but as iv never entered a comp before i have no idea do we get scored on our brews with deedback or is it just the people who win cheers
  6. P

    Style Of The Week 9/5/07 -sour Ales

    just made a sour ale with the lambic blend And cantillon dregs and smells disgusting sofar so quite promising haha its only been a week since i pitched but i've left quite a bit of headspace say 10cm as i thought it could have a large krausen anyway will this have any effect on the beer as...
  7. P


    so im interested as to how tannins taste in a beer, i know there undesirable but can anyone actually describe the taste
  8. P

    Belgian Extracth

    i just made a blegian ale with this recipe still in the fermentor but tasted quite promising not quite to style had quite alot of late hop flavour but its one my mates are defidently gonna like 1.5L Liquid Malt Extract 1.5L Liquid Wheat Malt Extract 600grams invert Sugar...
  9. P


    cheers good info
  10. P


    interesting i've never heard of putting flour in how much and what does it do??? im not gonna all grain only done one partial but maybe if i add the crystal grains i can give the beaties there starch or whatever not expecting any flavour from them as i only want pure cantillon sourness haha
  11. P

    Weird Flavour

    fair enough but im still not sure how to describe it but i'll ask this do crystal malts give a carmally/sweet flavour to belgian ales when using abbyII or a differant flavour?
  12. P

    Weird Flavour

    ok so my first 2 belgians i used abbeyII yeast and made a belgian dark cant remember exactly but around 200g cara aroma 200g caramunich 200g something else 200g something else and pilsner grains and candi sugar to around 9% alcohol was the first time ive used grains and was expecting a...
  13. P

    Ipa High Fg Or Stalled Ferment

    hmmn my opinion is dont bottle it had a similar problem with the first beer i ever brewed and now their borderline bottlebombs and gush all over the place i rekon just wait and if ur just way to eger pitch another packet of yeast but thats just my 2 cents
  14. P


    i'm making a lambic with the wyeast lambic blend and cantillon dregs and have planned it all out off there recipe although it was suggested to add 100grams of caramunich and 100 grams of aroma for my 15litre batch which is differant from my original recipe of well just a can of wheat malt...
  15. P

    Belgian Recipes Help

    i'll keep u posted then its looking pretty good atm has gone from 18-26c in 4 days and has quite a hoppy smell outta the fermentor
  16. P

    Belgian Recipes Help

    cheers mate
  17. P

    Belgian Recipes Help

    thanks for all the replys guys but i gave up hope on the thread and brewed about 3 hours ago just checking it now i've already brewed the first one but for the second i will add 1/4 teaspoons of spoces as off a delerium clone.... and make my own invert sugar and ferment from 18-27 as the duvel...
  18. P

    Belgian Recipes Help

    anyone... all i'm really looking for is advice on the spice additions in quantity and what types go well together and how much sugar is alright was now thinking of adding 1kg in the 2nd brew
  19. P

    Belgian Recipes Help

    So what do you think of my recipe idea's/suggestions more than welcome ps. i have abbeyII 1762, lambic blend, us-05, belgian 1388 80 grams of saaz, 80 grams of styrian goldings, 40g of nelson sauvin and heaps of malt extract Moloughneys Chai Devil #2 (09) 1.5L Liquid Malt Extract...