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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. RobB

    S-189 finally being rolled out in 11.5g packs

    I have done this a couple of times with APAs and it has worked really well.
  2. RobB

    Malt pipe ideas.

    I made a top screen as per your original plan: But now that I've seen it, I like enoch's bazooka-on-the-overflow idea better. I already use threaded fittings for my overflow pipe, so the bazooka would fit right in...
  3. RobB

    Mangrove Jack Craft Series Yeasts

    The description of its performance has not changed, so I would say it's the same strain.
  4. RobB

    Mangrove Jack Craft Series Yeasts

    How did this go in the end? From some reports on this yeast, that might be as much attenuation as you get, but I'm curious to hear if it went any further for you.
  5. RobB

    QldKev's New Biab With Internal Rims

    Have you tried rice hulls? Even if you don't fancy using them for every brew, they could at least confirm whether or not it's your crush. I have a similar system to QldKev's and I routinely throw them in at 5% of the total grain weight plus an additional 5% for anything without a husk. I have...
  6. RobB

    First Saison - Advice needed

    Pitch enough yeast, keep it warm and have a little patience and you won't need that second strain of yeast.
  7. RobB

    Making Passata/Tomato sauce

    Impressive. And I thought our 350kg tomato day was hard core. Your process looks very similar to ours, but I can't think why your machine would be clogging.
  8. RobB

    Adding Recirculation - My Easy Urn Upgrade

    The wort is certainly much brighter. During a recent brew with 100% pilsner malt, I could see the element at the bottom of the urn through the full depth of the wort. That's something I would never have dreamed of while I was BIABing. I try not to worship the efficiency gods, but I'm getting...
  9. RobB

    Adding Recirculation - My Easy Urn Upgrade

    The beers are great. It's working really well and I'm still astounded by the clarity of the wort. I had a similar problem when step mashing with the urn when I used BIAB. I got around this by using an over the side element for the mash steps, stirring throughout each ramp. I think the wort...
  10. RobB

    Whirlpool only APA

    Thanks danestead, that's good info. I find it easier to think in "equivalent minutes" but I used your figures and the Tinseth utilisation formula to check my guesstimate. For my rate of cooling, your figures give me 12 minutes, so my guess of 10 wasn't too bad.
  11. RobB

    Whirlpool only APA

    On the american forums they refer to this step (0 min with heat off for a period before chilling) as a hop stand. Do a search and you'll see a lot of discussion on sites like Home Brew Talk. The discussions follow a similar path to the cube-hopping threads here on AHB - agreement that it...
  12. RobB

    Brown Porter - Windsor / Nottingham / S-04?

    I have fermented the Brown Porter from Brewing Classic Styles with Notto and it worked well. It had a list of grains similar to yours. Nottingham will work quickly and cleanly and will flocculate well. It will be the most attenuative yeast of the three you have listed. Windsor will be the...
  13. RobB

    Chest freezer not chilling

    Precisely my experience last year. Running all the time, compressor feeling hot and never quite making it to the required temp. Getting a new one on sale was cheaper than getting it fixed. Fingers crossed that yours is something different.
  14. RobB

    Hops of the South West WA - Circa. 1960

    I'm pretty sure that what is now Karri Valley Resort near Pemberton was once a hop farm. I love it down there in Karri country. I keep showing SWMBO various properties for sale, but she won't budge from the city......not yet, anyway. I'll keep nagging.
  15. RobB

    Rye Problems

    Oh good, so it's not just me? I have only ever had one scorched beer, in what shall be known as the unfortunate roggenbier incident. Perhaps the alarm bells should have rung when I saw wort the consistency of glue. 60% wheat, no problem, but rye needs a bit more caution with exposed elements.
  16. RobB

    Leftovers brew

    It depends on what you are trying to brew. For something like a porter, you could have added the lot and more. I haven't used extract for a while, but for a full size batch I tend to equate 1kg of grain to 10 gravity points for a ball park figure, so let's say 6kg of grain for your OG of 1.059...
  17. RobB

    Awesome Video - Microbiology of Beer

    I can't help thinking that re-pitching on a yeast cake would be a lot less popular if it was still known as backslopping.
  18. RobB

    Smoking Meat...

    Santa left me a Smokai cold smoker under the tree this year. Unfortunately, most of the things which I want to cold smoke won't appreciate the ambient temperature of a Perth summer, so a few projects will have to wait. I might start with some malt! In the mean time, I'll probably plumb it into...
  19. RobB

    Adding Recirculation - My Easy Urn Upgrade

    I bought the drain fittings from these guys: They are cheap but the delivery (free) was slow and you get what you pay for. The material quality is...
  20. RobB

    Help with my water

    Comparing your 2014 figures to the ideal ranges in How to Brew in brackets: Calcium: 64 [50 -150] Magnesium: 38 [10 - 30] Sodium: 65 [0 - 150] Sulphate: 59 [50 - 150, or up to 350 for very bitter beers] Chloride: 122 [0 - 250] Bicarbonate: 303 [0 - 50 for pale beers, up to 150 for amber beers...