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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Dazzling

    Using An Esky As A Mash Tun

    Thanks for the tips blokes. Is there anyone in Mlebourne that could recommend where to get a good sized round cooler? Otherwise I'll go the rectangular. Cheers Dazzling... :beer:
  2. Dazzling

    Using An Esky As A Mash Tun

    Hey all, I'm currently mashing with a 19L pot on the stove and lautering with a 20L bucket which works a treat but i'm looking to upgrade to a cooler. Do people use the coolers to mash as well as lauter, and adjust the temperature by adding hot/cold water? Does the temperature of the grist...
  3. Dazzling

    Is My Wyeast Dead?

    My first experience with Wyeast has turned pear shaped, of course I hadn't read Batz post on getting Wyest started which would have helped immensely and instead followed the instructions on the pack (**** up no. 1 ). The difference being Batz said his took 3 days swell and the pack says 3-4...
  4. Dazzling

    Late Hop Additions And Dry Hopping

    Hi all, got one of the famous skunkfart pale ales in the primary at the minute. as most would know these recipes call for vast amounts of cascade hop additions late in the boil. I guess this is a general question for all brews, but if you are planning to dry hop should you ease off on the late...
  5. Dazzling

    Tight Arse Stir Plate

    So those of you who are successfully using these stir plates, how do you operate them? What I mean is do you run them continuously or in cycles? Cheers Dazzling
  6. Dazzling

    Priming Sugar

    So i made my way to the local HBS today to get some supplies and with my memory of a goldfish couldn't work out whether i had previously used dextrose or maltodextrin for bulk priming :blink: . of course i took a punt and ended up getting the wrong one to what i wanted, that being maltodextrin...
  7. Dazzling

    Kitchen Scales

    G'day all, I'm looking to purchase some electronic kitchen scales, any tips on places to buy, brands to avoid etc etc.... Cheers Dazzling
  8. Dazzling

    Tight Arse Stir Plate

    G'day all, just wondering if i didn't have a fan and power supply lying around the place to use, what would be the cheapest option to get one? Cheers Dazzling
  9. Dazzling

    Smaller Batch Than Planned

    Cheers Kai, bitterness shouldn't be problem, I had approx 30L at the start of the boil, trouble was draining to a fermenter that had it's tap open and not realising for 5min....unforgiveable really Dazzling
  10. Dazzling

    Smaller Batch Than Planned

    G'day all, I got my first AG under way late last week and it is currently in primary fermentation. Unfortunately it didn't all go according to plan and due to a few newbie cock-ups I now have a 15L batch instead of 23L as I was hoping for. So what I would like advice on is should I rack to a...
  11. Dazzling

    Embarassing Mistakes Department

    I'd like to join the club of embarassing mistakes. Did my first all grainer yesterday and thought in my mind i had everything worked out, especialy having previsouly read this post, of course I still got my fermenters mixed up and put the one which had the open tap under the CFWC and lost 5L or...
  12. Dazzling

    2ndry? Ccing?

    I'm always amazed at how quickly quality responses are posted on this forum, keep up the top work!!! :beer: dazzling
  13. Dazzling

    2ndry? Ccing?

    I like your work POL, all crystal clear now, or should I say CCed clear ;) Dazzling .......out
  14. Dazzling

    2ndry? Ccing?

    In light of sounding like the newbie that i am, i have been reading various posts on CCing and 2ndary fermentation and in doing so have confused myself a great deal. Could someone please sort me out, I am interested to know how these two processes differ, what they do and what temperatures...
  15. Dazzling

    Gas For Firing Boiler

    Well i'm having trouble finding the time to get my first brew off the ground, so I think the only option is to do it proper aussie way call a sicky some time next week. In other developements further to my first posting this topic, and despite the helpful hints from those who replied, I found...
  16. Dazzling

    Gas For Firing Boiler

    G'day all, only a few more items before i'm brewing.......if only I wasn't wasting all my time in this office every day.... To the point tho, I need a gas supply to fire my boiler. What is the cheaper option, to buy my own bottle and have it refilled, or get one of those swap and go's from the...
  17. Dazzling

    Newbie Questions

    BRILLIANT!!!! :beerbang: Dazzling
  18. Dazzling

    Newbie Questions

    G'day all, I'm just getting my first all grain set-up into final order but wanted to clear a number of things up before i attempted my first brew. I have been able to get a hell of a lot of questions answered from searching this forum but were unable to find answers to the below issues: 1. I...