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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. 1975sandman

    How Did Your First Brew Taste?

    First brew was a few years ago when living in Wagga Wagga. It was SWMBO's idea to buy a Coopers homebrew kit! And she doesn't even like beer! :lol: Pretty sure it was a Coopers lager kit, fermented as per instructions. Thought it tasted okay at the time. Did just come off years of drinking XXXX...
  2. 1975sandman

    Music In The Cloud

    See what you started Truman? Beauty Beer and the Geek! :P Seriously, interesting read though.
  3. 1975sandman

    Robbed - The Bastards...

  4. 1975sandman

    Brew In A Bucket Why Not Indeed

    Are you going to try and compare recirculation with bucket in the wort with bucket just out of the wort?
  5. 1975sandman

    Brew In A Bucket Why Not Indeed

    Is this fact or personal experience?
  6. 1975sandman

    Supply Of Beer Dispenser System And Kits

    looks like a shitty site to me! :lol:
  7. 1975sandman

    Brew In A Bucket Why Not Indeed

    I reckon MB you should just keep on doing what you are doing and posting the results as some people are interested in how it turns out. Nothing wrong with a little experimentation.
  8. 1975sandman

    Brew In A Bucket Why Not Indeed

    I agree with you on that one MB. The whole idea seems pretty simple to me as well. If I didn't have a 3v setup already, I would seriously give your idea a go. Keep up the experimentation! :icon_cheers: My 2c worth.....(if it means much)
  9. 1975sandman

    Supply Of Beer Dispenser System And Kits

    Organise a bulk buy maybe? :P
  10. 1975sandman

    Should I Re-hydrate Dried Yeast?

    I rehydrate US-05 by following the Fermentis instructions - add packet to 10 times it's own weight of boiled and cooled water into a sterilised glass jar at the start of the brew day, swirl gently every half hour or so to keep it mixed then pitch when wort at right temperature. Note: I use an...
  11. 1975sandman

    New Harvest Hops Just Released For Sale This Morning. Hopsdirect

    :( I would do the same with the Amarillo. Add a pound of Cascade then?
  12. 1975sandman

    New Harvest Hops Just Released For Sale This Morning. Hopsdirect

    I'll take a pound of Amarillo if you need. PM sent Edit: extra pound that is, not yours :D
  13. 1975sandman

    Little Creatures Next Single Batch

    We don't get it all! :(
  14. 1975sandman

    My Neighbour Has Chickens

    "Victa mowers are so powerful, you'll even have time to cut your neighbour's grass" :lol:
  15. 1975sandman

    Heater For Stc-1000

    Move to Darwin...don't need a heater! :P
  16. 1975sandman

    Grain Mill

    Just bought a Crank and I have had no issues with it yet. Can run it with the drill quite easy.
  17. 1975sandman

    James Squire Pale Ale - New Beer

    I agree with QLDKev. It was the Squires range that got me off the megaswill initially. Thought the beers were good but they have gone downhill recently.
  18. 1975sandman

    My Own Gas Bottle

    Well done JWB! I have just done the same as well, but only have rented a bottle for a few months. Can't wait for it to arrive! :super:
  19. 1975sandman

    Where Are You

    You should see it up here! It's lonely at the top. :D
  20. 1975sandman

    Enhanced Biab With Lauter Tun Stage

    I would have to say that mark's idea is a lot more simpler than yours, darren