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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. br33zy

    60 Litre Fermenter

    We have been pitching up to 55l in our 60l fermenters with good results. It just depends on how evenly the original recipe volume scales up (I.e. 23l*2 = 46; 18l*3=54; 20l*2.5=50). I suspect that if we went much past 55l we'd start getting issues with krausen blowing through the bubbler...
  2. br33zy

    Bulk Buy: Sodium Percarbonate, Melbourne

    Great idea - thanks. I'm in for that second bag too if its a goer. Bag 1: Wolfy 5.0kg = $20 ??? Barry_r 2.5Kg Maple 5.0Kg Mario 2.5kg Haysie 2.5kg James Squire 2.5kg Maybe Baby Bag 2: Cocko: 2.5 Breezy: 5.0kg Cheers Breezy
  3. br33zy

    Bolstering Malt Levels In Secondary

    RDWHAHB indeed. Thanks guys. I'll leave it as is and cross the fingers for the first tasting. Cheers Breezy
  4. br33zy

    Bolstering Malt Levels In Secondary

    Do you think so? It would be good to get away with it in the sense that we end up with a drinkable brew - if not the targeted brew. I don't have enough experience under my belt yet to know. Its an SNPA clone with a fair hop schedule; so I just wonder whether it will be unbalanced; a little light...
  5. br33zy

    Bolstering Malt Levels In Secondary

    Hi All, We brewed a large batch (55l boiled for ~76l in two fermenters) last Tuesday. We were spot on our targets throughout the night; then got a little sloppy (02:30 and too many brews I suspect) and added too much water to the fermenters while chasing the SG of 1053. Over shot to 1049...
  6. br33zy

    Brew In A Basket?

    Now that's what I'm talking about! Thanks Afro. Cocko, we're using a 98l pot on an Italian spiral. It shouldn't melt the bag; but I'm just a bit biased against nylon I guess. Same with beer bottles:) Cheers Breezy
  7. br33zy

    Bottle Bin Sanitizer

    We're using a 200l plastic barrel to do our bottles. It sits on its side (on a simple wooden cradle) and I cut a 70cm x 40cm slot lengthways down the side so that we can get all the bottles in and out. We drain it through one of the bung holes. About 400g of unscented napi san seems to do the...
  8. br33zy

    Brew In A Basket?

    Hi All, I still haven't managed to get myself a proper BIAB grain bag as yet. On Tuesday night we steeped our 2kg of crystal malt in a couple of hop socks. Cue lots of jokes about bullocks cojones and the like. Anyway, the efficiency was very poor - I estimate somewhere around 43%. I think...
  9. br33zy

    Boil Gravity For Best Hop Utilisations.

    Thanks Butters and all for a great discussion. We're just about to start brewing with much larger equipment (98l - woohoo!), sticking with a partial recipe for the moment (SNPA clone which is tasting gorgeous...and the dramatic increase in boil volume has had me wondering for the past week or...
  10. br33zy

    Boil Gravity For Best Hop Utilisations.

    In this post, Butters (whose posts are always very very helpful) mentioned the following when discussing the amount of LDM to be included in partial boils in order to get a good (or expected) hop utilisation: We are brewing partials at the moment. Our current recipe, an SNPA clone, boils the...
  11. br33zy

    Real Estate "bubble" In Seq

    I think this year is a good year to be cashed up and consolidated. Any unnecessary debt should be avoided. The downturn in Australia is only just beginning to take hold and its going to get really ugly this year. Would I be buying an investment property at this stage? No - especially if I had...
  12. br33zy

    Band Aid Creep

    Hi SB, We had a similar problem with two of our batches. Tasted fine out of the fermenter; then awful out of the bottle after conditioning. Depressing! We changed our bottle sanitising regime so that we now follow up the final rinse for each bottle with two squirts of Brewshield (which is the...
  13. br33zy

    Vic "off Season" Swap

    1. Bulp 2. Barra 3. Fraser John 4. P&L Brazil (confirmed, 9am, A Ross summer ale using the wacky No kettle hops/only cube hops idea) 5. Seemax 6. Jason Glare 7. Haysie 8. Leigh 9. Brendo 10. Breezy (confirmed, 9am. SNPA clone. Partial)
  14. br33zy

    Equipment Sizes

    Hi Komodo, I'm using a 98l stainless kettle with fitted tap, pickup and thermometer. When calibrating the volume the other night I noted that I needed 12l in the kettle just to submerge the pickup plumbing on the inside; and 26l to submerge the thermometer probe and housing. The pickup empties...
  15. br33zy

    Stainless Cam Loc Quick Disconnects

    +1 For that. I got a pair from beerbelly before Christmas and wasn't sure myself. Amanda was happy to confirm that I didn't have them the irght...wrong way around. Cheers Breezy
  16. br33zy

    Vic "off Season" Swap

    +1 Plastic. Of course I'd prefer glass; but I think I read that the main reason for PET on these case swaps was a safety one - don't want inadvertant bottle bombs passed onto new friends! +1 quick morning exchange. Looking forward to a more elaborate event on the next main swap. +1 March. Can...
  17. br33zy

    Vic "off Season" Swap

    +1 for that. Our brewery is extensively based on milk crates.
  18. br33zy

    Vic "off Season" Swap

    Hi All, All my brewmates are AWOL at the moment, but I'll commit us nonetheless: 1. Bulp 2. Barra 3. Fraser John 4. P&L Brazil 5. Reg 6. Seemax 7. Jason Glare 8. Haysie 9. Leigh 10. Hair of the Dog 11. Brendo 12. Breezy (SNPA clone. Partial) Cheers Breezy
  19. br33zy

    Immersion Chiller Syphon Style

    Water use is a real concern with brewing isn't it... I think it takes us between 3 and 4 litres of water for every litre of beer and it would be nice to improve on that. Bottling (and cleaning the bottles) makes it very difficult - I'm sure kegging would use a lot less water. Interestingly, if...
  20. br33zy

    The Vicelore Brewery

    Hi QuantumBrewer, Uni-Strut looks great, but that website is a little flaky. Can (and did) you buy framing from them for smaller applications like this? How is their pricing compared to the stuff at Bunnings? Cheers Breezy