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  1. Superoo

    Using Hop Bags In Boil

    Cheers Fish, I see you're from Bunbury - same... Yes I'm hoping that having a loose muslin bag will be ok with hops, the bag seems to move around a fair bit during the boil, I just g=have it pegged to the top of the urn.
  2. Superoo

    Losses From Tubing And Hoprocket

    For the hose and pump, I would just fill them with water then empty into a measuring jug, that will tell you. On the hops absorption thing, not sure, you might have to just do one and take detailed notes.
  3. Superoo

    First Biab Today

    Ekul, I just got myself a 20 plate chiller, its knocked another 3/4 hour off my Biab time and uses less water for cooling than normal coil chiller. Probably one of the best HB investments I've made (other than going electric Biab). Todays brew started with cold water in the urn at 11:30, and...
  4. Superoo

    Using Hop Bags In Boil

    Just wondering if anybody has info on a comparison using hops loosely in the boil, and using a hop bag dangling in the boil. I have just purchased a plate chiller, so todays brew I used a muslin bag to dangle my hops in the boil, to help avoid blocking the chiller. I used Chinook pellets and...
  5. Superoo

    Propagating Hops

    Agreed... Holy Shit... that was a good reply, great stuff
  6. Superoo

    Spent Grain What To Do With It ?

    Same here, neighbours chooks love seeing me climbing over the fence with the biab bag. They get stuck right into it hot. But i do try to leave it half an hour at least.
  7. Superoo

    Freshest Brew Ever :)

    Best way is to practise with a cup full, and dont try to do too much. I did 5 kg first time and ended up with 4kg malted. That was too much first time. I just soaked 2.5 kg yesterday. Grain in bucket. Fill with water about 2" above grain. Gentle stir / sieve off anything that floats...
  8. Superoo

    Freshest Brew Ever :)

    No worries kaiser, have malted before and its dead easy, so looking forward to this one,
  9. Superoo

    Freshest Brew Ever :)

    Grabbed half a bag of Malt1 grain barley straight out of the BILs harvester at 1 pm this arvo, dropped it into a bucket of water 6pm tonight starting the maltingprocess, will be ready in about a week. Then planning on doing a harvest ale In about 2 weeks using hops straight off of my cascade...
  10. Superoo

    Grain Grinder?

    +1 to all above, Order your recipe weighed and crushed. Once you get into it, get a mill and do your own. If you are loyal to your LHBS, they'll probably crush for free...
  11. Superoo

    How Old Are You? How Long Have You Been Hbing?

    Age 49, brewed k&k for about a year around 1990, then again for about a year 1993, both times probably just to save money. Now only brew because I want to, been doing AG for last 2 years, now making what I can proudly call 'beer'.
  12. Superoo

    Ipad 2 Ibrewmaster

    been using ibrewmaster on my phone for ages now, it kicks everything else... and theres inventory coming for it soon. being able to create custom additions / fermentation steps etc, and have them all in a shedule is awesome. I have fermentation steps to add finings, cold chill, and also have...
  13. Superoo

    Whats Your Favourite Beer / Brew Memorabilia ?

    Whats your favourite bit of memorabilia related to beer ? Heres mine, found it in my Uncles shed...
  14. Superoo

    Arduino Development Thread

    For water solenoids, I would use a simple reticulation solenoid from bunnings etc.
  15. Superoo

    Bop Shop Filtering

    Great answer, must have taken you ages to dream that crap up
  16. Superoo

    Arduino Development Thread

    You can also do a scale factor in your controller software so that you can calibrate it in your controller. Just have a target value, say 5000, which will equal 1 Litre, and it starts at zero. A Litres variable which starts at zero. A counter variable which starts at zero. A Scale value which...
  17. Superoo

    Bop Shop Filtering

    Agreed, would need to use a bit f silicon hose or something to make the wort travel all the way to the bottom and back up. any idea what they use in Bop Shops ?
  18. Superoo

    Bop Shop Filtering

    Just wonderiong what sort of filtering system the Brew-On-Premises shops use ? I saw in the local BopShop, they use a filter unit thats probably only 2-3 times the size of my filter unit. Not sure what filtering media they use. Surely they dont stuff around changing / cleaning filter elements...
  19. Superoo

    Mid Strength Low Carb - How ?

    Thanks Muscovy and others... Thanks also for the maths stuff Muscovy, (whatever the hell it all means) I already do a 3.2% that is pretty tasty, was'nt sure on the connection between sugar / alcohol / carbs etc. It appears the common thread here is that the low carb thing is marketing BS...
  20. Superoo

    Mid Strength Low Carb - How ?

    I walk a brisk 5 k's before work every morning, Agree with your comments on adding hops / malts for flavour. I have been stuck thinking i need to dry it out to reduce carbs, Appreciate your feedback