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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Types Of Grain

    G'day Men, I've just pulled some recipes from the data base and am trying to put them into Beersmith. The problem I'm having is that some of the grains are not on the list supplied by Beersmith. Well they probably are, but they may have a name variation. the names I have are: light Munich -...
  2. M


    G'day men, I have just kegged 3 kegs of beer. All had polyclar added to the fermenter when the temp. was dropped. One keg was filtered and the other two were not. There is no difference in the clarity of the beers of each keg. What has happened? Am I wasting my time? Cadbury
  3. M

    Filtering Beer

    Fantastic, that is exactly what I was after. Thanks very much. Cadbury
  4. M

    Filtering Beer

    G'day Men, What is the best way to filter into bottles? I filter my beer into kegs by going from one keg into another keg via the filter. This time I want to bottle a Belgium Tripel for winter, but put it into bottles. Mt 2 questions are: 1. What is the best way to get it through the filter...
  5. M

    Alcohol Content

    Thanks men, I'll get started.
  6. M

    Alcohol Content

    G'day men, If I have an all grain recipe that is 5%, how can I turn it into a 4.5% brew? Do I just adjust the malt amounts till it hits 4.5%? (on beersmith) Cadbury
  7. M

    Converting Batch Amounts

    thanks, that gives me a wider range of recipes.
  8. M

    Converting Batch Amounts

    Sorry, I'm a bit slow. If a 40L batch asks for 7kg of grain, then I go 7 divided by 40 and then times by 23 if I want a 23L batch. Does this also apply to the hops? Cadbury
  9. M

    Converting Batch Amounts

    G'day, I was wondering how I can make a 23L brew when the recipe says it is a 25L or 47L etc? Be gentle, I'm new at this! Cadbury
  10. M

    Using Candi Sugar

    sounds easy
  11. M

    Using Candi Sugar

    G'day men, I've just been told how to make candi sugar. My question is, after it cools to a hard rock, do I then melt it in hot water when I want to use it? Cadbury