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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. C

    What Container For A Yeast Starter

    Just wondering what the difference is between the conical flasks and what they call "boiling flasks"?
  2. C

    What Container For A Yeast Starter

    Thanks for the link :D I just want to confirm that it's OK to heat these on a gas stovetop - i.e. they can handle direct heat from the flame?
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    What Container For A Yeast Starter

    Also, what size is recommended?
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    What Container For A Yeast Starter

    Does it need a bung with an airlock or can I use glad wrap (maybe with an elastic band). I was looking on eBay and noticed that some flasks have a side opening. Maybe this could be used for the airlock?
  5. C

    What Container For A Yeast Starter

    Hi, I'm planning on brewing some higher gravity ales and would like to try using a yeast starter. I understand the process however I'm not sure what type of container to use. Just wondering what people are using? Cheers, Chris
  6. C

    Aa Of Homegrown Hops

    Hi, I was wondering how people who grow their own hops determine the AA content (or recipe quantities) for their brews? Cheers, Chris
  7. C

    Shop Bought Vs Home Grown Hops.

    I don't grow my own hops however last year I was down at Red Hill brewery and was lucky enough to sample their Hop Harvest Ale which apparently uses the hops they grow on the property. I don't usually like hoppy beers however this was unlike any hoppy ale I've tasted - certainly not like an IPA...
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    Barclayperkins Books

    Hi, Just wondering if anyone has any info about these books: They look interesting - just wondering if anyone has any comments about them. Cheers, Chris
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    Palmer's Simple Explanation Of Brewing

    Hi, Recently I was trying to explain the brewing process to a friend who's thinking about getting into brewing. I recalled Palmer's explanation from HTB: Malted barley is soaked in hot water to release the malt sugars. The malt sugar solution is boiled with Hops for seasoning. The solution is...
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    A Couple Of Invert Sugar Questions

    But if that's how caramel is made, isn't that caramelization? Am I right in saying that making a darker invert is essentially a two-stage process in which the sucrose is first inverted and then caramelized?
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    A Couple Of Invert Sugar Questions

    So what's happening when the darker invert colours are produced?
  12. C

    A Couple Of Invert Sugar Questions

    I'm just a beginner at this so maybe I'm wrong, but aren't the two processes going to produce slightly different results? If you add sucrose to the boil how can you tell how much caramelization has occurred?
  13. C

    A Couple Of Invert Sugar Questions

    Hi, I'd like to try making and using invert sugar in a few upcoming batches I'm planning (an English Pale Ale and a Dubbel). I've dug up plenty of info online however I'm unclear about a couple of things: 1. What state does it finish in? One lot of instructions says to pour the stuff onto...
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    Lagering Question

    Hi, For an upcoming AG brew I'm planning on having a go at the Belgian Dubbel recipe from BCS. In the recipe it says that the brew should be lagered for a month at 7 to 10 degrees. Unfortunately I don't have a dedicated brewing fridge so if I want to do lagering I'll have to do it in batches...
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    Ibu Of Little Fella's Pale Ale?

    Just sent Argon a PM.
  16. C

    Ibu Of Little Fella's Pale Ale?

    Hi, I'm planning on making a batch of Little Fella's Pale Ale. However I'm a bit confused about what it's IBU is. According to the recipe it's 62.1 however at the bottom of the recipe page it mentions 47.9. I put the recipe into BrewMate (as I want to do a 20L batch) and the IBU has come out...
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    I'm in a similar position to jayahhdee. I'm just about to do my ninth AG and I'm starting to consistently hit my volumes/gravities/temps. The last batch I did (Dr Smurto's Golden Ale) has turned out really well so I think it's time to start getting some objective feedback either through entering...
  18. C

    Best Substitute For Willamette?

    Thanks for the offer! I've sent you a pm.
  19. C

    Best Substitute For Willamette?

    Hi Folks, I'm planning on brewing an AG American Amber Ale which requires Willamette hops as a 15-minute flavour/aroma addition that adds 7 IBU to the batch. I usually get my ingredients online from Grain and Grape. Unfortunately G&G don't seem to have Willamette in stock. Just wondering what...
  20. C

    Many Thanks To Dr Smurto!

    Hi Folks, A few weeks ago I had a go at brewing Dr Smurto's Golden Ale. I just cracked open a sample bottle and I'm really impressed. I'm generally not one for APAs however this one is really nice. It's also got the best head of any AG brew I've done so far (this was AG brew number eight for...