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  1. M

    Extract Brews Too Bitter - Help!

    Belgian Ale - 1.5kg Morgans Pale Liquid Malt 1kg LDME 300g Belgian Dark Candi Sugar 100g Brown Sugar 150g Caramunich Grain 150g Cara-aroma Grain 30g Styrian Goldings 4.8AA% 60mins 30g Styrian Goldings 4.8% 30mins 30g Saaz 2.5% 2 mins. T-58 Safbrew Yeast (Whitelabs Trappist Ale Yeast...
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    Extract Brews Too Bitter - Help!

    Hey all I have made a few extract brews now, after having read up on the How, and the Why of how it will make my beers better. I have had three extract brews turn out really well except that in all three the beer has ended up being a little too bitter, a Hefeweizen, a Belgian Ale, and the...
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    First Beer - The Taste Test

    Well done indeed! I've only done a dozen brews, but my first good beer was the same recipe, with a Cascade T-Bag instead of Saaz, and an extra 250g LDME. I might also try a grain steep next time. The other good one i have done is an Irish Dry Stout and it's a cracker, and very simple, i...
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    Brew Over, Banana Flavours

    Had that taste with a Coopers Cerveza (Brew No 2) myself and kit yeast, close to tipping the whole lot out a few times, it seems to be dissipating very slowly, if tyhey can be left a few months you will be ok and some extra hop flavour can only help. I am in Bris Vegas and same problem but ice...
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    Newkie Brown Help

    RobboMC - thanks so much for the recipe ideas (I have been drinking a big mistake from Brew 2 and boy have i learnt some hard lessons) Manticle - i'll see if i can get that toast note with the Caravienne and Biscuit, would give this style a lot and some uniqueness. CityMorgue2 - great tip, i...
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    Newkie Brown Help

    Thanks Manticle for the recipe. Sorry to be so question was initially just going to be whether making a Kits and Bits would be just as good as an Extract brew, i have been led to believe that extract brewing (and then AG) is a cut above in a lot of styles. For example...
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    Newkie Brown Help

    Thanks Daz Yes i see what you're saying with splitting the wort. I did find that recipe..........1 x can Morgans Royal Oak, 1 x can Morgans Caramalt, 300gm LDME, 200gm Dex, Premium Ale Yeast. Also found this one from Boddingtons Best......."Not exactly K&K but according to my brewlog this...
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    Newkie Brown Help

    Hi all, Need some opinions on whether i should do a kit and bits, or an extract brew, for my English Brown Ale attempt. I have seen one extract recipe on the site, but mostly kits with variations on hops, liquid malts some with Morgans Caramalt, and grain steep either crystal, or choc malt...
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    Kit & Kilo Report: Tooheys Dark Ale

    Made the same kit for my second brew and was really thin with no aroma, flavour, and just a slight roasted taste. Best way to improve any dark ale tin in a timely manner is to use a Fuggles/Goldings Hop Teabag, ditch most of the dextrose, and brew down to 20 litres. IMO adding flavour/aroma...
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    G,day From A Newbie

    Welcome aboard mate, Have a crack at a Pale Ale, heaps of recipes on here. I just got back from a bbq up the road, left them with a couple of tallies to go on with, having drank 3-4 already. Coopers pale ale tin + brew enhancer 2 + 250g LDME + Cascade Hop teabag + US-05 Yeast 20 degree...
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    Recipe For Beginner

    Some great advice there, I only just started brewing too and the best thing i did (without really good temp control) was to brew an ale because i can achieve 20c for ferment and it makes a huge difference, and the addition of dry hop/teabag because the aroma and taste you get makes it real...
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    Kit And Extract Beer Spreadsheet

    Thanks for the responses guys. It's only reaching final gravity just now so hopefully down the track it will be drinkable, at least i have a starting point for my next one and maybe have learnt a lesson that i should do half brews with Extract, until i get a few recipes to my tastes, so that...
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    Best Coopers Pale Ale Recipe? Need Help Picking Best Ingredients...

    I can't brew sub 20 degrees as yet so have used US-05 yeast, 750g BE2 + 500g LDME + Cascade tea bag steep and bag into the primary. (Or do a short boil) Not Coopers PA but a really nice drop. (Will do the bottle culture yeast soon to see what that comes out like) Good luck, Mick.
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    Kit And Extract Beer Spreadsheet

    Hi all, this post may have been better made at the "biggest cock-ups whilst brewing" topic....... I grabbed a recipe for my first extract brew, based loosely around a beer i had tasted at my LHBS, brewers choice, and i think i buggered it up totally by altering it using the spreadsheet being...
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    Two-can Coopers Mexican

    Cerveza by nature has not a lot too it at all in the way of body or bitterness. Perhaps something like a Canadian Blonde would be better if you want a little more of either. My Cerveza style brew is Coopers Tin + BE2 + Saaz finishing Hop Tea Bag (or other citrusy hop Cascade, Amarillo...
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    Bland Beer, Will It Get Better?

    Been there Dave - just a few months back!! My first brew was with 1kg brewing sugar, thin taste and no head, was like drinking alcoholic water. Second brew was brewed at 30 degrees odd and is bairly drinkable, fruity when it should not be. My third brew came out a ripper if you want to try...
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    Help With My Hefe Pls

    Thanks again, Just did another tasting and the banana is actually not strong in tasting, to start with i might just do a smaller extract batch with no Dextrose, i think it may be close to what i am after..... If it isn't i will try one of the liquid yeasts, and then i can compare flavours...
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    Help With My Hefe Pls

    Thanks for the tips guys This might be a dumb question but with the 3068 liquid (Weihenstephan) i wouldn't get flavours going well towards an actual Weihenstephan? It's a very interesting beer to taste but i find it quite overpowering in it's aroma and flavours. In addition to 3068 i think...
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    Help With My Hefe Pls

    Hi all, I've been doing lots of reading on here to help get up to speed and have been able to get up to an extract for Brew 9 - a Belgian Ale in the fermenter atm. Besides being a grand hobby, i have turned to Brewing my own as i have expensive tastes in speciality beers and having been to...
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    My Experience So Far

    That sounds perfectly reasonable Clownfish - great post. As long as you and friends are happy with what you are drinking then happy days. I am up to only Brew 9 so far, and have done slightly fancier things in my last three like using a hop teabag in Pale Ale, and steeping grains for a...