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    Still Airlock Activity After Almost 4 Weeks offence at all Chappo!! :beer:
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    Still Airlock Activity After Almost 4 Weeks

    Yep it sits on/just below 1000 in 18-20 degree I guess it is all good and should bottle this weekend!!??
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    Still Airlock Activity After Almost 4 Weeks

    ok thanks Manticle, I will wait a couple of days and take another measurement, it sounds like it is pretty much done. It tastes alright! :) I guess my hydrometer is accurate, how can I test?
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    Still Airlock Activity After Almost 4 Weeks

    So you guys are saying bottle it?????
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    Still Airlock Activity After Almost 4 Weeks

    ok just took a reading and it is now 1006. Do I leave it to keep going??? Or do I bottle??
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    Still Airlock Activity After Almost 4 Weeks

    OG = 1050 I took a reading late last week and it was 1010.
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    Still Airlock Activity After Almost 4 Weeks

    Hi Everyone, My second brew will have been fermenting for 4 weeks this Saturday, still today there is some airlock activity, not alot but it is still bubbling every few minutes. Is this normal? It is a Corona clone using Brew Cellar Premium Lager Yeast. My first brew was the Coopers Lager...
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    Super Stout Receipe

    Hi, I am about to do the Super Stout receipe from the brewing crafts book for my 3rd brew. Has anyone tried this before? What did you think of it? Does it taste as good as it sounds? Muntons Export Stout Dark Liquid Malt Extract 1.5kg Corn Syrup 500ml Licorice Extract 10ml Safale Yeast 04...
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    Second Brew

    Whoops I missed that in Matti's reply, thanks Matti just what I was after.
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    Second Brew

    When you guys say keep a lager yeast like this at 10-12 degrees, what temp do you pitch it at?? At 10-12 degrees???
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    Second Brew

    Yeah I think my temp is still a little to high for the lager yeast.....probably too late to change it now as I am expecting to bottle any day now? My next brew I am going to do the Super Stout receipe out of the "Brewing Crafts" book. I will try and get my temps under control for that one...
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    Second Brew

    Ok....the first brew is in bottles maturing, and without wasting any time I have thrown my second brew on with everything I have learnt from these forums and reading 'Brewing Crafts'. The first brew is the Coopers Lager from the Cooper brew kit, and after two weeks in the bottle it tastes very...
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    First Brew Far To Sweet After Secondary Fermentation

    I thought it was pretty well carbed up...when I opened the bottle there was a release of gas, and then when i poured the beer there was heaps of bubbles and a bit of a head. So I am thinking the yeast needs to do more work still? This must be a form of torture, 30 bottles of beer sitting in my...
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    First Brew Far To Sweet After Secondary Fermentation

    Braeden how does the beer taste now? I have just cracked open my first bottle of Coopers Lager after 2 weeks in the bottle and have the same problem, very sweet and fruity flavours. I struggled to finish the bottle (I did finish it though :icon_cheers: ) I am hoping it will get better with age.
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    Second Fermentation

    Thanks fellas.....I guess I was just stressing a bit because it is my first brew and I don't know what to expect. I am going to listen to butters!!
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    Second Fermentation

    Hi Guys, I bottled my very first brew from my Coopers kit on Tuesday night into the 750ml PET bottles with the prescribed 2 carbonation drops. How do I know second fermentation is ocurring? I am worried that it hasnt kicked off and my beer will be flat. Cheers, Az
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    First Brew......helllppp!

    ok guys....i have managed to get the temp down to 20 degrees, it stopped foaming out the top, so I removed the airlock, cleaned and sanitised it, put some more cooled boiled water in it and put it back in. Now it is bubbling away properly at 20 degrees.....i just hope the brew is going to be...
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    First Brew......helllppp!

    Wow BribieG....mine isnt spewing that much, only a little bit, but I have to say after seeing that picture I feel alot more confident! :huh: Thanks everyone for your help...fingers crossed it will still taste alright.
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    First Brew......helllppp!

    Wow that was quick....thanks guys. Ok, so I need to get the temp down to aroun 20 degrees........after that remove the airlock, clean and sanitise it and fill with cooled boiled water....check. The instructions on the kit said to keep the brew between 21 degree and 27 degrees, so I thought I...
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    First Brew......helllppp!

    Hi Everyone, I am new to brewing and I got a Coopers Home Brew kit for Fathers Day (You Beauty!) and I am hoping this will be the start of a great hobby. I have been reading some of the posts in this forum and have already learnt heaps about the world of brewing. But I need some help...