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  1. F

    What Am I Doing

    Thanks for the replys Gavo normally the kilo of grains are chocolate and or black grains as for now i have not used any crystal. i usually after removin the grain i will boil it for 60 mins while adding my hops 60 mins 15 mins and flame out for 10 to 15 mins then put in fermenter steve...
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    First Batch Bottled - :)

    I agree just go and do it you will not be sorry you did but like gavo said it becomes like a obsession it seem now days all i do is think of recipes or how ingredient will flavour my beer or and another big warning your brewrey thinking of conical fermenter mash turns fermenting fridges keging...
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    What Am I Doing

    Hi guys just a quick question about my style of brewing it has occoured to me that maybe i brewing partial not extract so im going to explain how i do it and let the pros tell me after deciding what to make i will usually have 2.5 kgs of extract in the fermenter and 1 kg of grain of different...
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    No Room For An Airlock In Bar Fridge

    as every one else said there is no need for a air lock after all coopers open ferment their beers so if its good enough for coopers its good enough for me but one method i did see was some one had a small container of water beside their fermenter and ran a small hose frome the air lock hose...
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    How Long In The Fermenter?

    yes that is quite low water has an SG of 1.000 most pale beers have a FG of 1.006 its very normal and if you read the little info that comes with the pale ale beer kit if i remember it says that the Fg should be 1.006 the rule for bottleing is when you get the same SG reading 2 days in a row...
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    Cloudy Samples

    I have done a brew before that for some reason the trub got into the tap and made the first draw clowdy but when i had finish bottling the trub was no where near the height of the tab so it must have jst settled in the tap some how it has only happened to me once or twice so this would be my guess
  7. F

    How Long In The Fermenter?

    Id say that it would be fine to bootle with that SG (1.004) its not going to ferment out any more i personally leave my brews in a fermentor 5 days then rack to another fermentor for another 8 days because i work away (6 days home and 8 days at work) and you would be surprised how much more...
  8. F

    Boil Gravity For Best Hop Utilisations.

    wow good question brezzy. possible need a new thread but butters mentioned earlier that 1.040 was enough for flavour development so I was wondering if you just boiled you hops in straight water and used less you could get the same IBU's but what would it do for flavour A mate of mine did it...
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    Basic Pale/real Ale

    I have tried a toucan in my time and all i use was 1 x coopers dark ale 1 x coopers real ale I have also tried 1 x coopers dark ale 1 x cooper large i used no other ingredience just the two kits and the dark ale yeast supplied and i found that the dark ale / larger combination better i...
  10. F

    Coopers Heritage Lager/bock

    acording to cooper the heritage range has larger yeast in it. i have not made this kit so i cant comment on the 23 ltr batch but with other coopers kits i have done the full 23 ltr and i found that it came out too watery so i do all kits at the 19 ltr mark and i find that they come out better...
  11. F

    Quick Question On Dex

    It might have some thing to do with the fact that adding dex raises the alcohol content which will alter flavour also did you make a mistake and add dextine not dextrose because dextrine will not ferment out and affect your numbers
  12. F

    Strongest Brews Possible

    I in my early days use a kit of coopers dark ale and 2 kg of dextrose and pitched in so dry enzime and i ended up with a FG 0.096 which was if i remember around the 9.5 normal fementaion no temp control the standard yeast tht came with the kitjust and 8 days in fermenter but it taste like crap...
  13. F

    Instruction Needed

    butters is right you will not be able to clone with a kit but you will be able to get in to that style if your new to home brew you will find that you will be able to make beer so much better that boddingtons ( and im not bagging this beer i dont mind it) as you get further along you home brew...
  14. F

    Yeast Recomendation

    cheer guys you have really opened my eye to just how many yeast manufactures and strains there are so far i have only played with a few, so now i get the joyus task of looking up all those strains and learning more about my beloved beer yahhhh!!!! :D
  15. F

    Yeast Recomendation

    I would also say that maybe you have alot of very complex sugars in your brews but its hard to say with the info give. it is possible that your fementor is getting to hot or cold and killing off or putting the yeast to sleep this yeast also has a a high floculante property and it is possible for...
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    Yeast Recomendation

    after reading the spec sheet for this yeast it seems kind of a fussy yeast and the low floculante properties dont seem to appealing what about whit lab WLP002 english ale yeast it has low atenuation and a high floculante level what are your experances with this yeast after reading a few...
  17. F

    Everyone Use Recipes Or Just Make It Up?

    Ive been brewing for a few years now mainly K&K and am now starting in extract and i dont think i have ever followed a recipe exactly it may only be a small change like add honey on a whim or i have even tried coffee beans ( dont try this with pale beer not good) but i like to experement but one...
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    Yeast Recomendation

    Hi guys its been a while since i have been here and im glad to be back since last here i have moved from K&K to extract brewing with steeped grains. I am trying to create a a nice thick sweet dark english ale with a hint of cholate flavour i have been try a "safale 04" yeast and i am finding...
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    Perth Supplier

    Thanks for all the help guys I have just called malthouse because i go to welshpool often and they have 20kg bags of DME light or dark for $120 a bag so i think i will go there
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    Perth Supplier

    Hi guys i live in rockingham and my local home brew shop sells DME for $11 ish a kilo does any one know of a place that will sell in bulk 20 to 40 kgs of extract for less than that in perth one of the site sponsers sells it for $7.90 a kilo