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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. cozmocracker

    Whats In The Glass

    Heres whats on tap at my place at the moment, a belgium wit and an APA, both very moreish!
  2. cozmocracker

    About To Start Brewing!

    i would suggest you forget the brew sugar, and as cloudy suggested use dry malt (or the pack of brew enhancer 2 ). i would also suggest using the coopers yeast from a couple of bottles ( not the kit yeast ) heres some instructions. remember to ferment the beer at 18 degrees, if the temp gets...
  3. cozmocracker

    Stuff For Sale - Canberra

    sorry j1gsaw, but if it makes you feel better it was for local pick up in canberra and your profile shows that your in Qld.
  4. cozmocracker

    Stuff For Sale - Canberra

    i will take chiller, sock and bronco for $40???
  5. cozmocracker

    Yorkshire Bitter

    i contacted Muntons about the yeast, i posted somewhere what the yeast is, i will do some digging and let you know. Saccharomyces Cerevisia is what Muntons told me the yeast is.
  6. cozmocracker

    Sterilizing Plastic Taps Properly

    im like steve, i use a wooden spoon and then bag it against the granite benchtop, pops apart, i have found that they are stiffer to turn now, not sure why?
  7. cozmocracker

    Live Brewcast

    should be a constant stream, i cant seem to make a comment. last time the sound was cutting out but that seems to be fixed, then again i have upgraded my internet connection.
  8. cozmocracker

    Hoegaarden Grand Cru

    now i know im showing my ignorance, but there was a distinct taste that belonged to the two beers, i know ones a wit and the other a strong ale but to my virgin taste buds there was something in common. i will have to buy some more of each (shucks) and do a side by side tasting.
  9. cozmocracker

    Yeast Nutrient

    also at what stage of the boil do you add the yeast, im planning on using up some old kit yeasts, and what are the benefits? cheers cozmo
  10. cozmocracker

    Hoegaarden Grand Cru

    ok i admit it, it got tossed around in the car on the way home then sat in the fridge for a couple of hours before i drank them. it was a nice drop, but for half the price i think i will stick to the regular Hoegaarden, im still expanding my taste buds but reckon they both taste fairly similar...
  11. cozmocracker

    Hoegaarden Grand Cru

    thanks, i thought so, just curious, its a nice drop but not really worth the 7 bucks something i paid for it.
  12. cozmocracker

    Hoegaarden Grand Cru

    thought i would expand my taste buds and bought a couple of bottles. im drinking the first of them now but.....the thick sediment is rolling around crazily from all the bubbles. from the looks of it i would say it was infected, tastes alright though. can you tell me, is this normal? all these...
  13. cozmocracker

    Apa Recipe Help

    Cheers Gavo, i will wait for my head to clear from this hangover and then its brewing time, i will keep the galaxy as you have suggested. thanks to everyone for the imput, as always its muchly appreciated.
  14. cozmocracker

    Apa Recipe Help

    good work bconnery, that tells me the numbers im aiming for and im just about right. i just noticed you didnt add the 15g of chinook at flameout, im thinking of ditching galaxy at 10 min but keeping chinook at 10 and 0 minutes (aswell as dry hop 15g of dry chinook fowers) . i want to stay under...
  15. cozmocracker

    Apa Recipe Help

    that would be awesome, im not planning on brewing until after lunch Saturday. cant wait,im rubbing my hands together thinking about it.
  16. cozmocracker

    Apa Recipe Help

    ok, with help from here and elsewhere i will be going with, 4kg trad ale malt 500g wheat malt 200g light crystal galaxy 15g 60min galaxy 10g 10min chinook 15g 10min chinook 15g 0min no chill then pitch us-05 dry hop 15g chinook flowers if at all possible can someone punch the numbers into...
  17. cozmocracker

    Apa Recipe Help

    alright, so now i have 4kg trad ale malt 1kg wheat malt 200g light crystal galaxy 15g 60min galaxy 10g 10min chinook 15g 10min chinook 15g 0min no chill then pitch us-05 dry hop 15g chinook flowers but what does FWH mean??
  18. cozmocracker

    Apa Recipe Help

    so far i have 4kg trad ale malt 1kg wheat malt.......... what will the xtra 500g do 200g light crystal galaxy 20g 60min galaxy 10g 5min chinook 15g 5min no chill then pitch us-05 not sure on the hops now, should i buy more, maybe some chinook pellets and use flowers for dry hopping? what...
  19. cozmocracker

    Apa Recipe Help

    i am most wanting to use up the chinook flowers, what would be best suited for them. i dont want to over power them, i want to be able to notice them.