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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. cozmocracker

    Ginger Beer Recipe - Scratch Brew No Kit

    as suggested to me, have you done a hydro reading? there has been no sign of krausen or any other signs of fermention in my batch other than the hydrometer reading going down, currently sitting at 1042 from 1062 after 5 days from pitching. Currently sampling right now, let me tell you mine has a...
  2. cozmocracker

    What Should The Wort T Taste Like

    i wouldnt worry, i remember tasting my first couple of batches and thought this cant be right, once its finished fermenting and its carbed up it will have a completely different taste.
  3. cozmocracker

    Ginger Beer Recipe - Scratch Brew No Kit

    ok i feel a bit better now, i took a reading (which i should of thought of but im a bit of a tight arse when it comes to sampling) and its gone from 1062 to 1058, at least i get to sample it again! thanks again guys!
  4. cozmocracker

    Ginger Beer Recipe - Scratch Brew No Kit

    ok a couple of things, firstly, i pitched an 11g packet of US 05 saturday arvo and i just checked the fermenter and theres no sign of fermentation, im a little worried, what should i do? i did forget the yeast nutrient. and if it ever gets going i will let it ferment all the way through as...
  5. cozmocracker

    Should I Bottle?

    most people on this forum chuck the airlock because they are unreliable, dont dump the brew, i leave mine in the fermenter for 2 weeks before i start checking the gravity and most of mine finish about the 1012 mark, this all depends on ingredients and what yeast you have used.
  6. cozmocracker

    Exploding Beers

    well it should of been finished, my next suggestion is that you have an infection! bummer! how long have they been in the bottle? how does it smell, taste? thats about all i can suggest someone with more experience will have to chime in. coz
  7. cozmocracker

    Exploding Beers

    quick answer would be fermentation wasnt complete, you need to get 3 consecutive readings over 3 days which would suggest fermentation has stopped. what was your final SG reading?
  8. cozmocracker

    Just A 'hi', And First Coopers Brew Going!

    Welcome Texican, youi will find heaps of useful info at this site with lots of people willing to help you. you will need to tell us the ingredients for us to be able to tell you why the OG is low. first tip for you, try and ferment the beer at about 18 to 20 degrees and throw away the kit...
  9. cozmocracker

    Ginger Beer Recipe - Scratch Brew No Kit

    i followed chappo's ginger beer recipe yesterday with a couple of minor changes for a half batch, Recipe .6kg Fresh Ginger 1kg Brown Sugar .5kg Iron Bark Honey 2 Cinnamon Sticks 3 Large Bush Lemons 3 Limes 1 Chilli Yeast Safale S-05 my SG is 1062. my question is, im wanting to finish this...
  10. cozmocracker

    Would You Like Some Fish With Your Hops.

    plus exposure to sunlight, alot of people dont worry, but if your going to the trouble of producing your own fresh organic food then better safe than sorry, yes it means the cost will go up for the set up but what cost do you put on peace of mind! if you look at the previously mentioned AP...
  11. cozmocracker

    Would You Like Some Fish With Your Hops.

    Hi guys great thread, good to see more and more people experimenting and using aquaponics. i started researching and testing small set ups about 5 - 6 years ago, great fun and really inspiring stuff. Due to renting all my grand plans have fallen well short of what i would like to do but reading...
  12. cozmocracker

    Ag No Taste

    something i have found with a couple of brews was that tasting the brew straight out of the keg before it carbonates it was a little less flavourable, waiting a week for it to carbonate made alot of difference to flavour and aroma.
  13. cozmocracker

    Selling Everything - Kegs, Taps, All Grain Equip, Etc.

    i sent a PM about 2 kegs and chiller, which i would still like if available? if so let me know and i can pick up anytime. cheers paul
  14. cozmocracker

    Biab Urns: Birko Vs Crown

    i have the crown urn, i am very happy with it. i have modified it (it was very simple, took 2 minutes if that) and it is very easy to clean. I am happy with its performance and i produce good beer with it, i have had comments that my biab beers are better than some peoples 3 vessel beers, thats...
  15. cozmocracker

    Free Pet Bottles Canberra

    i have 60 PET bottles that have never been used, if anyone wants them there yours for free.
  16. cozmocracker

    Free Bottles Canberra

    sorry no longnecks, but Colin out at Kambah at the LHBS has some for sale.
  17. cozmocracker

    Free Bottles Canberra

    i have about 5 cases of crown seal stubbies to give away if anyone is interested, they will need a wash but most have been rinsed.
  18. cozmocracker

    Grain To Water? And Ideas!

    i would suggest downloading the trial version of beersmith as well, very useful tool for all levels of brewing.
  19. cozmocracker

    Beer Labels And Logos

    Heres my latest, a lucky few got a bottle of this special brew.