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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. O

    Oval Office (Honey Amber) 8.5L Beer using Coopers Craft Mr Beer North

    I am wanting to make the Recipe for Oval Office (Honey Amber) 8.5L Beer using Coopers Craft Mr Beer North West Pale Ale. I have two questions which I Hope someone can answer for me: 1.The Recipe calls for Smooth Malt Extract....Can I use 250 gm of Coopers Light Dry Malt?? 2.There is a Yeast...
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    Corrected SG for Alcohol is 1014 at 20C
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    At exactly 20C
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    Just now took a HYDROMETER reading with a Beer Hdrometer and spot on 1014
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    Slightly sweet but not excessively sweet
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    My Kit Converter Instructions say my Final SG Reading should be between 1010 and 1012.It says this may Vary if using additional ingredients...which I did....100ml of pure Molasses added during steeping of Malt
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    Calculated using OG of 1037 and 1023 SG now at 26C
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    Alcohol by Volume is 1.9
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    My Refracometer has 2 on the left (BRIX) and one on the Right (SG) and the instrument auto adjusts for temperature.
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    Coopers IPA kit with extras

    Where did you get that Kit if I may much and is there a Kit number??
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    It is a rand New refractometer which the instructions say has been calibrated before shipping.It is a Direct reading wih no adustment for alcohol.
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    Did a forced ferment test as suggested....After 24 hrs forced ferment Refractometer reading is start it was 1025.
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    Did a forced ferment test as suggested....After 24 hrs forced ferment Refractometer reading is start it was 1025.
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    Thanks Guys for all the suggestions and comments...I will let you all know how things pan out!
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    As of today March 29th still no VISABLE sign of ferment.Hydrated a Coopers 7gm English Bitter sachet with 150ml water ,and a tiny bit of sugar and allowed to start fermenting before adding to Wort again.That was 2 days ago! SG now is 1024...any thoughts anyone???
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    Marilyns Secret Stuff Up?

    Dont worry Mate....Mine took 4 days before it started to ferment....then it went CRAZY!!! And the Beer??I force fermented some and it is to die for!Sensational Brew! Rest is natural carbonated now for 19 days...but cannot gunna crack a Bottle today!
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    Thanks for your help mate! :)
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    Original SG was 1037 SG as of NOW is 1025
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    English Bitter No Ferment start

    Pitched on evening of 23rd March at 24C as recommended.....As of to-day March 25th no evidence of fermentation AirLock bubbling and no Krausen or foam. Should i Hydrate aother sachet of Coopers English Bitter yeast and add to wort?Or just wait? The Original Yeast used was 11.5gm of...
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    Bulk priming amount?

    Have just bulk primed Coopers Australian Lager yesterday brewed at a consistent 21C. The amount of Dextrose I used was 210gm for 23 Litres wort. Bottled in 5 L PET Kegs and put in fridge laying down...noticed beer leaking from one of them so decided to open and reseal with new O...