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  1. B

    First Ag This Weekend

    It wasn't really hot at that stage though as it had been through the chiller. We stirred the shit out of it as it went in, hence the foam. Don't have an aerator...yet.
  2. B

    First Ag This Weekend

    Thanks Ross, I got the grain in the mail just now. Awesome service. Will let you all know how it goes with the Munich II. Cheers.
  3. B

    First Ag This Weekend

    Cheers Ross, yeah I can leave it to ferment for 2 weeks no problem. So do I need to bother with the secondary at all then? I've ordered some gear from you for the next batch aswell, I will be trying Dr Smurto's Golden Ale but substituting Weyermann Munich I for Weyermann Munich II as the website...
  4. B

    First Ag This Weekend

    Just a quick update, fermenter is bubbling away like a champ at the moment so there was nothing to worry about. Just took a little while to get going and we were a bit impatient to see it all happening. I'm thinking I will leave it for 7 days then dump it in a secondary for another 7.
  5. B

    First Ag This Weekend

    Yeah there is condensation in the fermenter. I just dropped the temp down to 19 on the fermenting fridge. I will take a reading later tonight with the hydrometer. Cheers
  6. B

    First Ag This Weekend

    Well its 12 hours later, and the airlock isnt bubbling yet.... we pitched a dry yeast, didnt bother making a starter out of it (we will in future, we just wanted to get the job done). Its a hot start-cool ferment yeast and we got it in the fermenter fridge at 23 degrees. Should we re-pitch?
  7. B

    First Ag This Weekend

    Yeah we will be taking a tonne of photos along the way so you guys can tell us where we have gone wrong!! Cheers for all the support guys. Can't wait for brew day. woohoo.
  8. B

    First Ag This Weekend

    Yeah thats what we're aiming for but as long as it's drinkable I'll be stoked for our first ag.
  9. B

    Ag Setup For Sale

    Yeah its in my garage at the moment