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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. zarth

    Racking Question

    Hi all im keen to try racking to a secondary is there a set time do do it ie number of days or s-g reading i tend to notice changes in the trub being more "definned" (its hard to put in words) would this be a sign? TIA
  2. zarth

    Used By?

    As far as I know there isnt a use by date for bottle conditioned beer. But I am still new to this others in here will varify (or not).....
  3. zarth

    First Extract Question

    yes thats what worried me I just dumped it at about 60 deg im guessing then hit it with cold to up the volume. Not much I can do now but avoid in the future... Thanks for the interest...
  4. zarth

    First Extract Question

    Hi all and thanks for all the past help its great to get responses so quick even if on later reflection I probably could have found the answer in past threads. But im new to this so bear with me. Ok so just did my 1st extract and looking back on my method I was wondering about airation after my...
  5. zarth

    Crash Chill Cider

    Hi I am soon to attempt Frankos cider recipe I have the juice, 4766 on the way plus other ingrediants. The recipe says to ferment for 12 days i think. ( its not in front of me atm), than cc. Does it matter if you dont? is there an easy way if its essential? can i just let it run its course ?
  6. zarth

    Cider Fermentation Time

    Just bottled my first try at cider took over 4 weeks then i wasnt sure because sg was 1010 so left another 4 days same reading so i bottled.
  7. zarth

    First Shot At Bulk Priming

    MMMM I just had my first go at bulk priming and was all pleased with myself at how much easier and quicker it made it I use 330ml bottles and the odd Kolsh bottle 450ml i think they are so different volumes thats what its all about. But I used 100gms of dex had it left over and nearly 90 gms...
  8. zarth

    Fermentation Complete?

    Hey im real new at this to but it sounds sus and fg should be lower than this every one of my brews has been lower than this, I would heed advice from the more experianced in here they have helped me heaps.... good luck let us know how it goes...
  9. zarth

    Uses For Left Over Yeast?

    Yes from kits they vary in brands some muntons, morgans , coopers etc some pkts are marked premium brewing yeast 7G
  10. zarth

    Uses For Left Over Yeast?

    I am starting to gather quite a few left over yeast packets Does anyone have ideas on uses if any these have? I think I read here that they can be used for nutriants somehow is this true.. or do I just toss em?
  11. zarth

    Everyone Should Make This

    Hi all my ingrediants just arrived so cant wait to try my first extract. On the yeast it says to hydrate is that recommended? or just pitch straight in? amarillo 8.2% centenial9.9% Do I stick to original quantities with these.. Thanks for all the tips...
  12. zarth


    Thanks again for the tips So if I take Middle ground and make starter do I smack the pack let it swell then add to starter mix? Sorry if its a dumb question
  13. zarth


    Hi All I have been lurking and absorbing as much as possible for a while now, and i must say that there is a wealth of info in hear. And for the most part so very helpful to a very green brewer as myself. I follow threads that I have questions about , sometimes they answer in terms I...