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  1. zarth

    Crash Chill Cider

    I have just bottled 2nd batch since o post and it also stalled at 1012. Taste test on first batch went well really nice drop will be great in summer.. Can recommend highly...
  2. zarth

    Crash Chill Cider

    This has stalled at1012 gave fermenter a spin left for another 4 or so days no change so into the fridge it goes btw tastes pretty damn fine...
  3. zarth

    Extract Advice/suggestions

    Yes thats what led me down the slippery slope ive had a go at this one about a week left before I Crack one cant wait..
  4. zarth

    Extract Advice/suggestions

    Sure I am thinking along the lines of a James squire Sundown or anything pale with a fruity tang would be good. I realise thats a bit vague but I generally like most good quality beer. Not real keen on extreemly bitter though...
  5. zarth

    Extract Advice/suggestions

    MMM You never stop learning I didn't know that no chill method changes hops characteristics I have LDME DWE DEX Amarillo centennial Citra Galaxy Hersbrucker Whirfloc tab safale,notto, wyeast 1335-2035 Also...
  6. zarth

    Extract Advice/suggestions

    Thanks for the speedy responses seems like im on the right track. Yes fitted pick up tube, stainless ball valve, and silicon hose to transfer hot wort to cube. Yes im allready way gone even had dream about brewing the other day i think im obbessed
  7. zarth

    Time For A "welcome To Ahb" Forum.

    This in my opinion would be really helpful, I lurked for ages reading and researching found heaps of great stuff but sometimes found it hard to track down a second time newbie FAQ along the lines of above sounds great. It took me a while to post anything cause I did'nt want to waste peoples time...
  8. zarth

    Extract Advice/suggestions

    Hi all please excuse newbi questions in advance. Firstly i am moving slowly towards extract brewing with the aim to try all grain. I have just aquired a 50L brew pot so i can now do large boils. after required boil my plan was to transfer to a cube (no chill plate yet) how is that so far? Ill...
  9. zarth

    Crash Chill Cider

    Well its dropped to 1012 now, what do you all reckon? into the fridge yet or check again in a few days. There is 550gms of lactose and from what ive read this can keep sg up a bit. Also want to add pear snapps i add this on the last day of cold conditioning is that the best way?
  10. zarth

    Dissolving Malt And Other Questions

    Good stuff it was frustrating me as well ill try whisk method now...
  11. zarth

    Crash Chill Cider

    Its been fair cold here for a while temps 14 - 18 max, last two days a bit higher I was thinking it would be longer due to cold temps I now have a fridge with temp controll to cc so im keen to try that. Got cheapo of ebay seems to work a treat. BTY thanks for your input Manticle always helpful...
  12. zarth

    Crash Chill Cider

    Thanks for the feed back crew, this batch was put down on 21st August S G 1st September 1030 so still a ways to go huh? O G was 1048 is this slow?, 11 days now not that im in a hurry. Just hoping its not stalled. Taste test was ok young and sweet but plenty of fruity flavours. What do you reckon...
  13. zarth

    Crash Chill Cider

    Thanks guys Manticle, this is due to go in fridge this fri so if i take grav reading and its not quite there do i still cc then bulk prime and bottle just worried thats if its not quite done i might get bombs..
  14. zarth

    Carbonation Issues

    Hi I am fairly new as well but 1020 seems fairly high for FG if you primed as you say I would have thought it would have resulted in over carbination. But others here will try to confirm for you im sure, best of luck...
  15. zarth

    Everyone Should Make This

    My first extract brew is this recipe and now bottled for about a week Smelt and tasted fantastic straight from fermenter cant wait to crack a few...Only added 200gms crystal to original recipe...
  16. zarth

    Beginner Highly Hopped Recipe?

    Yes grain has to be cracked but thats about it not ground to a powder my LHBS will crack em for you so yours should ive read in here to put in a zip lock bag and crack with a rolling pin. I steep in a pre heated 6 pack esky for 30mins then rinse/sparge with hot water gets a bit more goodness out
  17. zarth

    Yeast Starter Affect Frankos Recipe

    Hi all about to give Frankos recipe a try and was wondering what affect a 2litre starter would make as it is an all juice recipe i have 4766 and was pondering on a starter as has been recommended before or just smack and pitch?
  18. zarth

    Carbo Drops

    I would have to agree with Manticle Bulk priming is dead easy dont have to worry about bottle sizes, teaspoons, funnels blocking up etc. It is easier I think with 2nd fermenter but Manticles advice is good on gently mixing in the primary. All that said if your going with drops one would be...
  19. zarth

    Racking Question

    Thanks wolfy that is a good start and a good read will try there before i post question next time.
  20. zarth

    Racking Question

    sorry should have been clearer, for second fermentation to produce clearer beer. I have bulk primed a few times now and find it works well for me as i use different size bottles sometimes. I am just thinking that getting beer of the trub then give a second ferment may clear it up some.