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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    First Extract Recipe

    Thanks for your input. I will be fermenting at around 14c, I use a 2 stage temp controlled fridge so temp isnt an issue. So 5 min hop addition will produce a better aroma yeah? what about hop flavor / mouthfeel?
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    First Extract Recipe

    Hey Guys, This is going to be my first Extract Brew today and i wanted to see if i needed to add anything. I did the recipe in Beersmith and had an idea from another recipe however i have modified it to match to Weissbier style. I want it to have good body and a nice hop aroma. Weissbier...
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    Specialty Grains

    Thanks Zebba, Ill give that a try
  4. T

    Specialty Grains

    1.23 kg Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM) Grain 0.04 kg Aromatic Malt (26.0 SRM) Grain Boil 60 min 3 kg Wheat Liquid Extract (6.0 SRM) Extract 60 min 141.00 gm Saaz [4.20 %] (60 min) Hops 60 min 0.49 kg Corn Sugar (Dextrose) (0.0 SRM) Sugar 5 min 70.50 gm Saaz [4.20 %] (5 min) Hops 5 min 0.61 oz...
  5. T

    Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    My last batch has just finished bottle conditioning and i got to say I am really happy. I used Safbrew yeast and it fermented for about 5 weeks at 14c. I carbonated for 2.7 vol of CO2. Tasted it last night, has a similar taste to Hoeegarden, carbination is perfect to what i like, head retention...
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    Specialty Grains

    I was just given the suggestion to mash both the grain at the same time for 45min at 65c... Any thoughts?
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    Specialty Grains

    I think i heard him mention it during his "brew in a bag" Brew Strong Series but I wasn't 100% sure.
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    Specialty Grains

    Great, thanks for that. I haven't mashed before so can someone suggest a temp and a duration for mashing?
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    Specialty Grains

    Hey Guys, I am moving into Extract Brewing and a have a question regarding the grains. I have a recipe (Witbier) that requires 1.23kg of Cara-Pils and .04kg of Aromatic. I have heard that some specialty grains can't be steep but have to be mashed. My question is with the gains on this recipe...
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    thanks for the advise
  11. T


    Hi, I am planing on doing a Bock in the next couple of weekends and i am going to larger it. My questions is do i bottle the beer and larger, do I larger the fermenter then bottle? If i larger in the fermenter, does that mean to prime the bottles i need to bring it up to room temp to carbonate...
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    Starting The Fermentation

    Thanks, appreciate it. I have brewed about 5 batches previous to the temp control and they were undrinkable
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    Starting The Fermentation

    Hey guys, Just a quick question, I just rigged up a temperature controller to my fridge (thermostat) and its working great however i made a few mistakes. I am brewing a Coopers Pilsner and used yeast who range is 18-32. I pitched the yeast at 23c however due to the mistake on my temperature...