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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Fantoman

    A Guide To All-grain Brewing In A Bag

    So Pollux, it looks like it is you and me FTW this weekend! :party:
  2. Fantoman

    A Guide To All-grain Brewing In A Bag

    Well, I will finally be making the move from Extract + Spec grain to full AG BIAB. Like BribieG I have gone the urn option (ordered from Craftbrewer last night). Also ordered the grain to do Dr Smurto's Golden Ale as my cherry popper :icon_drool2: (already have a pack of Amarillo in the...
  3. Fantoman

    Chappo's Daily Posts

    OH.... MY.... GOD!!!!! :icon_vomit: I can see I will be having nightmares tonight! Must warn the wife that I may suddenly wake up screaming "No InCider! NOOOOOO!" I must do my best to drink this memory away!!! :chug:
  4. Fantoman

    Chappo's Daily Posts

    Must be Friday! :party:
  5. Fantoman

    Allquip Out Of Stockpots Until April Where To Now?

    Damn, and I was going to order an 80 litre ally pot from them as my first piece of AG kit and take advantage of their free shipping for this month... :angry: Hmmm... may need to order one from Beerbelly with the bulkhead, pickup, ball valve & hosetail included... Might even push for one of...
  6. Fantoman

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    I went picking today and picked about 80 Cayenne chilli's as well as a few orange habs (plenty more of both still to ripen) Just made my first Chilli Sauce ever :D .... it's a Cayenne & Tomato based sauce made with bits and pieces I had in the pantry... 30 Cayenne Chilli's roughly chopped 1...
  7. Fantoman

    Kegging Setups

    Looking good Goofinder... will be soo much better with the extra 3 taps though :beerbang:
  8. Fantoman

    Kegging Setups

    I run my kegs at around 95-100kpa and everything seems to be going pretty smoothly, but like I said, serving pressure is dependant on the temperature as warmer beer will foam at a lower pressure...
  9. Fantoman

    Kegging Setups

    Hi Raven, as Ross mentioned, don't worry about the extra length... i'm running about a meter from keg to tap and am now getting great pours... It sounds like it is overgassed to me... I would try turning off the gas at the reg, give the keg a bit of a rock/shake and then leave it for 10 minutes...
  10. Fantoman

    All Unhopped Liquid Malt Brewing - Hops Schedule Check

    Nice work Fermented... Am currently drinking my first unhopped extract beer, with specialty grain. Definately makes for a better beer and you will find it won't need as much ageing as kit beer. Also opens up a whole world of recipie possibilities... Am planning a couple more extract brews...
  11. Fantoman

    Beer Labels And Logos

    I only have 2 words for you... Tommy... Lee! :super:
  12. Fantoman

    Kegging Setups

    Here's a few more pics... Just had a 1/2 pint of the Bavarian lager, and it isn't too bad... a bit malty, but quite drinkable... only 2 weeks in primary at 12c and 1 week in the keg so far....
  13. Fantoman

    Kegging Setups

    Here is my newly setup keg system which was setup last weekend.... all JG fittings, with 2 SS Celli taps, MKOL cylinder and Micromatic Reg... Poured a few beers from it last Sunday (was setup on Saturday), but they are so much better this week, nicely carbed (a little bit heady, but I think...
  14. Fantoman

    Ag Or Keg Setup

    Keg Setup first for me (hopefully will arrive next week)... Really got sick of bottling process very quickly... Am looking at moving to AG some time next year, probably start BIAB and work from there, but I have found that I have made some great beers with Kits as well as unhopped extract and...
  15. Fantoman

    Using All Dried Malts In An Extract Brew?

    I think just about every married hb'er has had to justify the costs to SWMBO ;) My only suggestion is that the response "I did, but now it's turning into a life consuming obsession!" probably isn't the best response :D I was lucky... I got my wife to pop into Uncle Dans to pick up a case...
  16. Fantoman

    Question About Taps

    Yeah, my suggestion would be one of the bronco picnic taps (linky) in the interim while you save your pennies for a good tap... from what I have heard on here, they actually pour pretty well (never used one myself)... IMHO its better to not spend too much money on an interim solution if you...
  17. Fantoman

    Send Me Your Brewery Labels

    This thread has inspired me to make some beer labels of my own ready for my Keg system that should arrive next week... Not too shabby for a first time Photoshop user (even if I do say so myself :D ) :icon_chickcheers:
  18. Fantoman


    Sorry Dave-bob, but you really do come across as a bit of a wanker... You can't just randomly PM people out of the blue and expect them to answer you... it would be like asking random questions of someone you've just met on the street... Also, i'm surprised noone has mentioned yet, but you have...
  19. Fantoman

    Cleaning The Fermenter

    As mentioned by Hutch, the active ingredient in the Coopers cleaning stuff is Sodium Percarbonate, so it is basically the same as no frills napisan, which many people use on their fermenters (including myself). Sodium Percarbonate is fully biodegradable and so far hasn't hurt my lawn when i've...
  20. Fantoman

    Liquid Yeast And Aussie Hops

    As far as I can tell, their just repackaged versions of the Fermentis range of dried yeasts (i.e. Ross buys them in bulk then then splits them into 12g portions)... EDIT: Damn... beaten to the punch....