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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    American Pale Ale

    Any suggestions on yeast and hops (weights and times for boiling hops) and any ideas on dry hopping? Cheers all.
  2. M

    Czech Pils Hops

    Was thinking of puting down a Czech Pils, using 40g Hallertauer hops (30g @ 60 mins, 10g @ 15 mins), then dry hopping after 7 days with 20g Saaz hops, S-23 yeast, 23L cold fermented in fridge at about 10-12 degrees for about 4 weeks. Any ideas on how this would taste? Cheers.
  3. M

    Hop Boiling

    Thanks for the quick reply. Any suggestions on hops for a cerveza? Last time I brewed I put down a Czech pilsner and cold fermented in a spare fridge at about 12 degrees for 3 and a bit weeks. Turned out good. Was thinking of doing the same, but dry hopping after about 2 weeks didn't do this...
  4. M

    Hop Boiling

    Hey guys, Been away from the brewing game for a while now (self imposed exile from drinking) and looking at easing back into it. Was thinking of putting down a cerveza for the father at his request and after a bit of advice before I do so. I've seen on these threads that people use hops in...
  5. M

    Czech Pilsner Recipe

    I ended up fermenting this in the fridge at about 11 degrees for nearly four weeks. From the little taste I had when checking SG it seems ok. The biggest problem now is waiting the 3-4 months for it to bottle condition!!! Cheers all.
  6. M

    Czech Pilsner Recipe

    I recently layed down a Czech Pilsner recipe. Probably only my 10th brew and my 2nd at cold fermenting and was just wondering for your opinions. 1.5kg Brewcraft Czech Pilsner 1kg Brewcraft #62 300g Dextrose (100g used in boiling hops) 11.5 x 2 S-23 yeast 20g Saaz boiled for 20 mins. 15g Saaz...
  7. M

    Czech Pilsner And Saaz Hops

    Pardon my feeble experience, but can you please break down for me Bribie what you mean by your last and how I'd go about this? Thanks mate.
  8. M

    Czech Pilsner And Saaz Hops

    I'm about to put down a Czech Pilsner (Brewcraft Czech Pilsner Kit, Brewcraft Enhancer #62, 250g dextrose, 2 x S-23 yeast + Saaz hops, cold ferment in fridge at about 12 degrees). My question is: I am planning on using loose hop pellets for the first time. The other times I've just used hops...
  9. M

    Coopers Micro-brew Fermenter

    Cheers guys. I reckon I'll give the cling wrap a go next time. You're right about being able to see what's happening as opposed to squinting through some cloudy plastic. Where abouts would you get the rubber band from, and do you poke any holes in the cling wrap to let the gas out? Cheers.
  10. M

    Coopers Micro-brew Fermenter

    Hi all, Probably a silly question to you wise old men (and women I'm sure). I was just wondering what the life expectancy of the rubber O-rings (both lid and valve) would be on the fermenter? I bought a kit about 6 years ago and only used it twice. It went into storage for about 4 years in...
  11. M

    Cerveza Yeast

    Thanks for the help guys. I was leaning towards ditching the kit yeast. I reckon I might just use the 2 x S-23 this time as it's all I have at the moment so I might as well just use it. Also thanks for the info on the Saaz hops. I bought some loose ones to use in a Czezh Pils and have 2 x Saaz...
  12. M

    Cerveza Yeast

    Hi all. I'm planning a Mexican Cerveza, Coopers kit. Was wondering how I'd go if I was to use the kit yeast along with some S-23 and cold ferment in the fridge at about 10-12 degrees? Would the two different types of yeast make a difference?
  13. M

    Cold Fermenting - Help!

    Thanks for the info guys. I plugged the fridge in and set it on its lowest setting and ran it for about 3 days so far. It seems to have a constant 9-10 degrees so I'm guessing from this the temp will be okay for a lager. Plus, it's in the garage and we're coming up to winter in Adelaide so...
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    Brewcraft Bag-out

    BeerFingers, Which BC do you frequent? I go to the one in Salisbury and the chap there seems to be an honest decent sort of guy with some good advice.
  15. M

    Hop Teabags

    Alby, You beat me to this topic mate. It sounds like I'm at the same stage as you, ie: wanting to move up from the basic K&K stuff. I've tried using the tea bag hops and think they work well but like you, I'm curious to know about the other types and methods and how to go about using them...
  16. M

    Cold Fermenting - Help!

    Hi all, I have just joined the forum after sitting on the sidelines and reading for a few months. Anyhow, I've been brewing for a few years, mainly just K&K's, with varying degrees of success. Pretty much I'm just using the kits, some Brew enhancer from Brewcraft, some tea bag hops and only...