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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. G

    Making Your Own Labels

    Was thinking how tired I was of that classic all brown bottle look. Sure it looks classy at first, but gets tiring. Does anyone know of any programs that could help design any kind of labels, or beer labels in particular. Also, if anyone could point me in the direction of where to find some good...
  2. G

    The Robotic Beer Launcher

    Not only are they drinking miller lite... BUT THEY'RE DUKE BOYS What is the world coming to... :(
  3. G

    Tube Dryer

    Huh... maybe my "Food Grade" Isn't as "Food Grade" as your "Food Grade" :blink:
  4. G

    Water Filters...

    Does any1 know how various water filters would affect tap water used in brewing? (Both positively & even negatively)
  5. G

    Why Is My Stout Metallic?

    I've heard that aluminum pots can create that metallic taste. However, I've also heard that its just a rumor with no real ground. Sorry, not that clear on the subject, however I was always told not to use an aluminum pot.
  6. G

    First Time Brewer Questions

    Here's a great brewing Podcast that I found. Has Info on beginning, intermediate, and advanced brewing, and is a great listen if your on a plane or just in the car. :)
  7. G

    Steeped Versus Dry Hopped

    As long as your not exclusively buying in bulk, I don't think it would harm HBSes. I'm not saying don't support your HBSes, I enjoy being able to talk to someone real in this hobby, but if you know you need a lot of one ingredient, doesn't seem to hurt to buy them in bulk. Plus, HBSes are...
  8. G

    Tube Dryer

    Just food-grade vinyl or clear plastic... not sure which :P
  9. G

    Tube Dryer

    After a brewing a batch of beer, I have a problem of cleaning the tubes, I usually flush them with warm water, and warm water mixed with cleaning solution and such. Once I've done that however, the moisture in the tubes causes them to cloud up. I've had several batches ruined by bad tubing. :(...