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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. lowtech

    Australian Brewers Association

    especially when his avatar photo is redolent of this
  2. lowtech

    Happiness Is ...

  3. lowtech

    Australian Brewers Association

    That rules out all retailers such as yourself on this site.
  4. lowtech

    Scum On Top Of Fermenter...

    QUOTE"A head of foamy krausen will form on top of the beer. The foam consists of yeast and wort proteins and is a light creamy color, with islands of green-brown gunk that collect and tend to adhere to the sides of the fermentor. The gunk is composed of extraneous wort protein, hop resins, and...
  5. lowtech

    Which Caramel Grain To Be Used...

    Sponge, info on melanoidins HERE certainly nice in a brown
  6. lowtech

    Which Caramel Grain To Be Used...

    Personally I love caramunich II, and now use it as my crystal type malt of choice, in place of standard british or aussie crystals. A little less cloying and more subtle. Caramunich II, with a small % age of Carafa II makes a nice light combo.
  7. lowtech

    Temeperance/prohibition On The Way Back?

    Whooee, After reading all that I'm glad that I'm an Athiest who doesn't watch dodgy(beat em up style) current affairs programs. What is the world coming to? :P
  8. lowtech

    Grain Bill - American Pale Ale

    If it is inaccurate you may be mashing too high ending up with a fuller body.Buy a decent thermometer and try again.GP mashed at 65c has always yielded a nice dry ale for me.
  9. lowtech

    Reculturing Mountain Goat Yeast

    I recultured 1028 from 2 stubbies of hightail a couple of years back. took about a week to fire up as a starter. Primary ferment threw a lot of sulphur that had me suspicious about it being a lager strain.In hindsight I think that it was due to the starter being on the lean side cell wise and a...
  10. lowtech

    Im A Bloody Idiot

    You Goose
  11. lowtech

    Rice Flaked (blue Lake)

    Steeping with caramalt will not be sufficient. Flaked rice needs to be mashed with some base grains to allow conversion via enzymes. Maybe a mini mash with some ale malt at 65/67c is in order.
  12. lowtech

    How Organized Is Your Brewing?

    98% goes as planned. other 2% is kids fighting :angry: /injuring themselves type distractions that can't be solved by just yelling orders from the shed.
  13. lowtech

    Single Hop Beers(info Thread)

    Hows it taste/smell? Were you aiming for a blonde/ faux lager?
  14. lowtech

    What Makes A Beer premium?

    And a few years ago a beer called Empire lager was around.$27 bucks a carton and no one bought it. Now its relabeled Pure Blonde at $40 plus a carton and sheep buy it en masse. What a strange ol world.
  15. lowtech

    Single Hop Beers(info Thread)

    Found THIS as well, a bit of a mixed review.
  16. lowtech

    Single Hop Beers(info Thread)

    Any one done 100% Target brew, maybe an IPA? Looking for feedback
  17. lowtech

    Coopers Vs. Us-56

    Coopers = Dry, fruity, malt driven US05 = Dry ,clean, hop driven In My experience any way. keep em both at 16/18c
  18. lowtech

    Reading Material

    I found this book whilst googling around last night. It appears to be all available for review/reading. Certainly a comprehensive text type book that would be good for anyone studying brewing or just interested in general. LINK Also some related books that appear to be available online as well...
  19. lowtech

    How To Brew Antioxidant Rich Beer

    Read through it all....... And here is the pertinent bit "Warnings * It is not recommended that someone begin drinking beer in order to gain health benefits. Beer may only promote health when consumed in moderation. Alcohol can be very harmful to your health, especially when consumed in...