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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. W

    Chocolate Malt: Chocolate Versus Coffee

    Although I haven't done this myself as i like the coffee , My understanding is using Pale Chocolate will also assist in muting the roast coffe flavours.
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    My New Ag Sysytem

    Lookin good BYB!!! When are you going to test it out on a brew??? Woody
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    Stir Plate Bulk Buy

    Mine arrived today Phillip thanks heaps for organising ... I am wrapped! Woody
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    Herms Temp Monitoring

    Maaaate!!!! :icon_vomit: When you get that New Bling you won't want to go back to the old kit. You will be like a kid in a lolly shop!!!! Tony is correct you can manage fine with the 50 Tun a long as you have a Herms which is what you are planning otherwise water additions for Temp will catch...
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    Herms Temp Monitoring

    Crusty, As you are aware I am looking at the PID for Herms, I feel tempmate is more than enough for HLT. The main reason I added gauges is a guage is far more reliable than digital and in practice I do look at both. The brew I did this weekend I realised I had an issue with my tempmate probe due...
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    Dight Glass /dipstck Chart

    I agree to get your starting point but from there you can just measure... Each to their own as it would be bloody close.
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    Dight Glass /dipstck Chart

    All fixed, I reckon this will be real handy. Woody
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    Dight Glass /dipstck Chart

    Guys just thought I would post this as it is very handy for someone wanting to mark a Sight Glass or Dip Stick You just key in the Pot Dimensions and hit calculate and it gives you a chart with Litres by each centimetre.. Woody
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    Dedicated Herms Guide, Problems And Solution Thread

    Very neat mate , looks good! What size element is that and how big is the Pot?? Are you still building or is it finished ? Woody
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    Dedicated Herms Guide, Problems And Solution Thread

    Sikaflex I have some of that and you are right that is awesome stuff and very flexible so it should last pretty well! Newguy will have a look at the eavestrough! Woody
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    Chilling My Ag

    Cheers KHB that is the other option hey .............Are you pitching this morning ??
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    Dedicated Herms Guide, Problems And Solution Thread

    Andrew I am in the Process of making a Herms and the bottom is where I would like to put the element but that was exactly my concern, should it leak! Why is it the most logical and practical solution always has a downside! Interested to hear what people have done to reassure themsleves against...
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    Chilling My Ag

    So is this an option if you say boiled the water made an allowance of 2 litres less.. Chilled to say 30 through the plate chiller I wonder how much 2 litres of ice would reduce 23 litres of Wort! Would this create other issues of contamination if you boiled the water prior to freezing ...
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    Cheap Copper

    Cheers , Will be headed to Bunnings tomorrow for copper for an Immmersion Chiller and a Herms,. .
  15. W

    Chilling My Ag

    you are right Glaab it is only summer we have the issue. Interesting to see how you go with your setup ...let me know how you go . Smurto you are not far from me and obviously have the same issue and do wjhat I have been doing leaving in the fermentation fridge to get down the last few degrees...
  16. W

    Help....over Shooting Pre Boil Gravity...

    Just a question ... are you allowing for the increased temperature of your Wort when you are taking your pre boil temp. If I put 1029 into Beersmith @ 30 degrees it equates to 1033. the increased temp goives you a higher reading when you could be spot on your estimate @1029. Just a thought !!! .
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    Chilling My Ag

    This is interesting, it would be good to see just what most of the brewers that are chilling are doing , and what temps they are pitching....I though the only option was to get down to temp to pitch but obviously people are pitching high... Then others like Skrewy go to a lot of effort to get...
  18. W

    Chilling My Ag

    I do attemperate my yeast I just thought it was better to start with Lquid at your fermentation temperature. Naturally I want to getmy Wort down further anyway but handy to know. The whole No Chill Vs Chill is like Fords and Holdens. I have only been doing AG for a short time and must say sit...
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    Chilling My Ag

    Thats a good idea looks like 2 projects now Herms and an immersion chiller. Now I need to take some time off work to add to the Brewery.
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    Chilling My Ag

    Interesting K Iwas of the opinion 32 would shock the yeast!!! So you are saying better at 32 than what I am doing............. are there any negatives pitching at such a high temp then winding back to 19.