if you use the pots differently you could heat mash/sparge water in 40 l kettle, mash in the 40 l tun, maybe 8 kg of malt? Sparge and collect more than 50 l in the digiboil and boil to 40 l which would fit nicely in the 52 l fermenter
second pick specific gravity of 1.028 or 1.030 depending on where the meniscus is and how the hydrometer is designed to be read and at what temperature
It's a government scheme, devised by a scheming government. It costs $6000 to give you back $3000 of your money.
Like all government schemes the price of what they are subsidizing goes up by the amount of the subsidy.
Welcome Bigrus
With kegging you can carbonate in the keg with CO2 from a gas bottle, with bottling you carbonate by adding sugar to the bottle and allow fermentation to continue in the bottle, is this why you think you need more sugar for bottling than kegging?
Wow, that's quite a paper, I've read Dave Millers book and thought the grant looked like an opportunity for things to go wrong.
For instance my dog likes to help me brew, hairs and drool could easily get into the grant and it could be knocked over.
I like to minimize mash oxygen exposure, I...
OK I'm off to Blighty next week, top of the list is a Robinsons brewery tour, they are finishing on 31st May so may not be able to do it. Couple of pints in the Crown Nantwich is at number 2. Great grand parents pub in Weston Point is number 3.
Any other suggestions in the Cheshire area?
Congratulations on retiring, I hope I can do so one day. Best not to spread yourself too thin, just work on brewing or the lures for a while each, don't take on too much at once
Received the same email myself, very Sad news, as mentioned above they stock some good quality stuff. I think they import Wyeast yeasts, I use 1469 and some of the lager strains from time to time, I will miss them greatly.
It would seem to leave a huge gap in home brewing supplies in...
Just checked out the motion dynamics home brew milling motor, still looks like a half arsed job to me, no power supply, no coupling and no mount, I can't believe you have the front to bag the KK kit which only needs a power lead.
I have had no problems with this motor driving my mill in nearly 4 years now, probably used every other week, it mills the grain perfectly in maybe 5 minutes.
I'm not sure what your comment is meant to say but there is nothing wrong with this motor at all, the assembly was dead easy everything...
Just got a text from a friend saying Red Bluff brewery is for sale looks quite reasonable, they make some regular beers and some craft ones, nothing to wild that I have tried there. https://www.commercialrealestate.com.au/business-for-sale/local-craft-brewery-2018570340
Then I found the actual...
G&B that is a fair comment, I have been involved in sporting clubs in the committee right up to being president a couple of years and agree it is a thankless task, also sucks up time that could be used to participate.
The thing I like about competitions is the feedback which can help improve my...