Recent content by Hellnut

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Hellnut

    Synthetic yeast

    An article I came across that I found interesting.
  2. Hellnut

    First BIAB

    Well kegged my beer earlier in the week. FG came out at 1.010. Tasted the sample and I think this has to be the best beer I have ever brewed so far. I suspect that this batch will go in one sitting with a few friends that are eager to try this batch as well.
  3. Hellnut

    First BIAB

    Ah my spelling is shocking, it's as bad as my hand writing but thankfully you don't have to see that on the forums. Well miss gravity came out at 1.041. The IBU for the batch was 35.6 EBC was 7.9. The sample tasted good. Just need a little more prep for the next batch and a bigger pot to do a...
  4. Hellnut

    First BIAB

    Well just finished boiling my first BIAB brew and just waiting for it to cool. I was gifted some pale malt from a friend and have a little Munich malt for colour. Have just made a small batch (13 L) to learn from and start putting what I have read into practice. Used Brew mate for my recipe...
  5. Hellnut

    Howdy All

    G'day all I've been lurking through the forums for a couple of weeks now and have decided to say hello. I've been brewing for 10 years or so, all just kit brews and experimenting with fermentables. I had a break for a year have have come back with new enthusiasm. I was originally bottling my...