Recent content by Grmblz

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Grmblz

    The Best Hard Seltzer - White Claw or Moon Dog Clone

    Sure, I'm happy to help the community. The only caveat is that it will be unbiased and honest. I will also test it on my kids and their partners (22yr-38yr olds) which I'm happy to share with you, and you may use at your discretion, however any comment I make will be my honest opinion.
  2. Grmblz

    The Best Hard Seltzer - White Claw or Moon Dog Clone

    +1 for spOrk. NGS, proof down, flavour, keg, force carbonate. If you can get enough gas into it you may be able to transfer to bottles/cans, and retain some fizz. I think you already know the answer to your question. Is it possible? Yes. But with an awful lot of faffing around, and not really...
  3. Grmblz


    ********! I had posts deleted, I had private conversations as to why, with one of the mod's, and his response was "I don't know" Sorry Mark, I have the greatest respect for you, and you are one of the leading lights when it comes to to finer points of our hobby. Philrob has been careless with...
  4. Grmblz


    Three possibilities: English isn't his first language. He didn't go to school, or if he did then he didn't pay very much attention Posted at 11.35pm :doofus:
  5. Grmblz

    Troublesome Ball lock fittings

    Follow the money, the cheaper a thing becomes the more hassle it's likely to give you. good old syrup kegs (yep that's how home brew kegging all started) and their disconnects were trouble free, but expensive, good engineering (tight tolerances) costs money. Quality stainless, costs money. The...
  6. Grmblz


  7. Grmblz


    Quick question, why would you need money for a "server upgrade" when you have a declining membership?
  8. Grmblz


    That's a worry, so nothing has been learned?
  9. Grmblz

    Connecting Millmaster to drill

    The drill you link to is the one you want (sort of) it used to be available in two varieties, the one currently available and another with a 13mm chuck. Unfortunately they have discontinued the chuck version, which would just connect to the three sided drive shaft on the mill. You need a...
  10. Grmblz

    Is it just me, or is it REALLY expensive to buy commercially made wine and beer? lol

    Ahaa! I would half agree with you. If as I suspect you're interested in producing craft beverages of superior quality then we are in violent agreement, it is indeed a hobby :cheers: However, the other side of the fence "I just want cheap p**s" are doing it solely as a money saving venture...
  11. Grmblz

    Is it just me, or is it REALLY expensive to buy commercially made wine and beer? lol

    Sorry mate I think you're missing the point I was trying to make. Actually yes I do pay someone to mow my lawn, why? because I value my time, and my $ per hour is worth more than what the kid down the road charges me to do it. You then bring in solar? Ok I have 9.60 kw on my roof, so what, I...
  12. Grmblz

    Is it just me, or is it REALLY expensive to buy commercially made wine and beer? lol

    You're not really comparing apples to apples. The cheapest beer to make is probably kit n kilo, which will yield an alcoholic beverage, but not what I would describe as a "nice" beer/ale/lager. Coopers/Morgans etc range from about $20 to $25. The sugar another couple of bucks. Consumables...
  13. Grmblz

    Heat pump water heater rebates for Victorians

    Tell me ONE! government project that has come in on time? OR Tell me ONE! that has come in on budget? NOW! If you know of one that has come in on time AND budget, PLEASE share, and no the SA big battery doesn't count because it was poo-pooed by the pollies as being unachievable, Musk proved it...