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3V RIMS Rig current build - Fly sparging

3V RIMS Rig current build - Fly sparging

Schmicko. You mentioned earlier you bought this off someone who was integrating automation on it, got a link to the build thread or similar? Interested in the bubbler concept and hardware for the interface. I'd love to tinker with something like that in the future (that and the fact that all my measurements involved a stovetop pot with marked volume increments on it)
Don't think there was a build thread sorry mate.

I've dug into the code for bubbler on Arduino and it all makes sense for my simple mind. I just need to work out how to make a GUI that simply reads off the level in real time (or at least auto-refreshes every second or so), that combined with a software PID, although have recently been leaning towards the seemingly more robust hardware version of a PID.

For the moment, my 40kg scales, a bucket and then sight glasses and a tape measure is all I use for my volumes :|

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