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Taken from:http://www.microbrewing.com.au

"Jarrah Jacks brewed its Belgian Golden Ale in time for Christmas, on tap and in bottles at the Pemberton brewery. Alcohol content is cut to 5.5 per cent (formerly 7.5 per cent) for easier drinking."

Why bother?
Making huge changes to supposed interpretations of well defined styles, to suit tourists, seems to me to misinform the public regarding what to excpect for the style, and at the same time show some sort of total arrogance in supposing that they as a brewery think that this is their right.

Microbrewers often winge about how the public don't understand what real beer is, yet at the first oppertunity, devolve beers in the name of making peace with the customers, instead of challenging and rewarding them with a real experiance.
It may have been a stuff up...

I did that at the James Squire Brewhouse, King Street Wharf; left out a whole bag of malt by mistake. :blink:
I did that at the James Squire Brewhouse, King Street Wharf; left out a whole bag of malt by mistake. :blink:

:lol: i drink there often, when was that.? did we punters get the lower grav version...???

edit: i will add that often, my favourite, Gov King had some noticable differences from batch to batch, not that i have any problem with that... i likes it.
It was a Gov. King. Perhaps around March of 2005, not long after it got going properly.
would it not be also for excise reasons?

BTW: The best beer in Sydney has to be the JS Brew house at Darling Harbour, many a drink has been drunk there.......
... and at the same time show some sort of total arrogance in supposing that they as a brewery think that this is their right.

Actually, it is a brewery's right to brew pretty much whatever they wish, in the same way that it is also your right (inasmuch as any of us have any rights at all). Further, within the realms of social and legal acceptability, they can actually call what they brew whatever they like.

If this offends you, write a letter to your local parliamentary representative... :rolleyes: