DJR I'm out Joined 7/2/06 Messages 2,217 Reaction score 36 16/10/06 #1 Following my recent recognition that quite a few people seem to be named Stu here, i've started a poll.
Following my recent recognition that quite a few people seem to be named Stu here, i've started a poll.
StuBear Member Joined 1/10/06 Messages 18 Reaction score 0 16/10/06 #2 Hope you're not trying to imply that there is a link between "stu" and alcohol consumption Although this forum does seems to have more Stues than other forums I frequent Stu
Hope you're not trying to imply that there is a link between "stu" and alcohol consumption Although this forum does seems to have more Stues than other forums I frequent Stu
Stuster Big mash up Joined 16/4/05 Messages 5,216 Reaction score 72 16/10/06 #3 Damn, he's on to us boys. World domination plan starts now. :lol:
Linz Well-Known Member Joined 11/12/02 Messages 2,609 Reaction score 5 16/10/06 #4 DONT YOU LIKE TO TRY AND TALK OVER THE NOISE AS THEY FLY OVERHEAD?!?!?
Ducatiboy stu Well-Known Member Joined 2/4/05 Messages 14,268 Reaction score 3,832 17/10/06 #5 World Domination will follow after I finish my next beer.... h34r:
wee stu wee stu's brury - hand made beers, award winning l Joined 14/8/03 Messages 1,620 Reaction score 2 17/10/06 #6 Linz said: DONT YOU LIKE TO TRY AND TALK OVER THE NOISE AS THEY FLY OVERHEAD?!?!? Click to expand... Bugga, I think Linz knows about the flying stu squadron Maybe this will drive the stus underground, from whence world domination will truly proceed! (insert evil maniacal laughter)
Linz said: DONT YOU LIKE TO TRY AND TALK OVER THE NOISE AS THEY FLY OVERHEAD?!?!? Click to expand... Bugga, I think Linz knows about the flying stu squadron Maybe this will drive the stus underground, from whence world domination will truly proceed! (insert evil maniacal laughter)
Adamt Too busy (lazy) to brew. Joined 20/11/05 Messages 4,420 Reaction score 8 18/10/06 #7 They... they say that plane fly overhead, make noise and drop value? I don't care. In Beirut, plane fly overhead, drop bomb! I like these plane better. -Farouk
They... they say that plane fly overhead, make noise and drop value? I don't care. In Beirut, plane fly overhead, drop bomb! I like these plane better. -Farouk