Screwtop Hit's George Iv Picton

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Pumpy's Brewery.
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A great afternoon with Screwtop,and his charming SWMBO, Linz & equally charming Little squares , Hogan and Pumpy ( Franko was not allowed out to play) ;) at the George IV Picton ,Sunday Arvo .

Well there were Inspector's Pocket Brewery Logo's on the the big red Font on the bar, the toilet some even a cool blonde chicks shoulder and a Harley Davidson outside . :blink:

Cant wait to see the Pics .

One good sign the 'Burragong Bock' which has been crap for the last three years IMO ,However since the return of the brewer it tasted excellent a strong beer which caught me up when I got out in the fresh air .
Did not feel flash this morning :huh:

Pumpy :)
I can't wait to see the Pics Pumpy. :D And franko was allowed out, but Baa Bra must have made her 'special' counter offer again! :beerbang:

Damn how did you know Incider

Hope you got a couple of stickers from screwtop for me pumpy
I can't wait to see the Pics Pumpy. :D And franko was allowed out, but Baa Bra must have made her 'special' counter offer again! :beerbang:



Screwtop was taking all the pics annd said would post when he returns

I have a sticker for you Frank

Pumpy :)
Oh my! That would have been a bloody great session with all you guys there.

When's the inspector getting home?

stickers on a cool blonde chicks shoulder and a Harley Davidson outside

What a great day, thanks Pump for organising the brewers at such short notice. And thanks to Hoges, Little Squares and Linz, top company. Thought the beers were good, they may need to ramp up production of the Bock, Pumpy and I made a fair dint in their stock.

Some great beers on tap:

Note: Check the font - Inspectors Pocket Beers on tap at George IV.

Brewers sitting in judgement of the beers on offer at George IV:

Everyone loved the Inspectors Pocket stickers Franko: Even pretty blonde pub patrons.

WHAT A TOP DAY! Thanks all.

And thanks to the boys, Luke and Dave.
What a great day, thanks Pump for organising the brewers at such short notice. And thanks to Hoges, Little Squares and Linz, top company. Thought the beers were good, thay might need to ramp up production of the Bock cos Pumpy and I made a fair dint in their stock.

They had some great beers on tap:

Note: Check the font - Inspectors Pocket Beers on tap at George IV.

Brewers sitting in judgement of the beers on offer at George IV:

Everyone loved the Inspectors Pocket stickers Franko: Even pretty blonde pub patrons.

WHAT A TOP DAY! Thanks all.

And thanks Boys.

Don't want to be rude, but have you changed your clothes since leaving the Barossa?? :D

What a top gig! Blondes with the Inspectors (unsupervised!) seal of approval! :D
I must get one or two for the shed... ahem... :blink:

And Baa Bra just called me on the lamb-line and she's up the duff. Now I'm not trying to pull the wool over anyones eyes, but the culprit is on the lam. I know it's one of ewes!

InCider. (I wasn't this time!) :blink:

What a great day, thanks Pump for organising the brewers at such short notice. And thanks to Hoges, Little Squares and Linz, top company. Thought the beers were good, thay might need to ramp up production of the Bock cos Pumpy and I made a fair dint in their stock.

And thanks Boys.
And Baa Bra just called me on the lamb-line and she's up the duff. Now I'm not trying to pull the wool over anyones eyes, but the culprit is on the lam. I know it's one of ewes!

Screwtop, change your friggin' clothes and get straight back to your computer. Not only are we missing you but surely you must be missing posts like InCider's.

Straight to the poolroom!
Are you guys colour blind - look at the shirt! Wearing shirt no 1 at the Barossa, and shirt no. 2 at Sharers Pub, have to travel light in a van. :D
Hey InCider guess the clip on the TV in the bacground at BYB's in the Barossa. This brewer has a secret mens place in his shed and great taste in music. Nothing like listening to this band and drinking Forbidden Fruit.
I dropped into The George today for a quick schooner. The lager was tasting great. I have never been that impressed with their beers in the past, so hopefully things are looking up. I didn't see any blondes around, but Franko was there too, which may have scared them off!
Hey InCider guess the clip on the TV in the bacground at BYB's in the Barossa. This brewer has a secret mens place in his shed and great taste in music. Nothing like listening to this band and drinking Forbidden Fruit.
Joe Cocker? It looks a bit like him - the song must be "The Letter" a song about Patch's long posts and how they slow the internet up... :D
Called into the george yesterday for lunch with the missus. And gave the bock a good nudge :beerbang:

food was excellent, beer was extrememly nice and i was fairly smashed upon leaving. Does anyone know the alcohol content of this stuff?

They need to sell bock 6 packs to take home id like a few few in my fridge.

cheers kingy

p.s i can feel my first bock brew coming up :D

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