Thanks to all the SA brewers I had a great time in SA as usual. Hope you guys realise how lucky you are to have such great micros and pubs. Pubs such as the Royal Oak (David Gill) and the Wheatsheaf (Jade and team) support the beer movement in Australia, they are forward thinking and game enough to stock the best the world has to offer. Thes pubs have a real following, the brands and prices boldly displayed, flying in the face of megaswill mainstream. Good on them!
Visiting the Micros was a pleasure, the beers were great, The Steam Exchange, Lobethal Bierhaus (have to come back again to try your beer Phil), they were all so welcoming and willing to show off their breweries (especially Peter, Knappsteins) and take time to talk beer/brewing. What a great location for The Steam Exchange. Also visited Greenock Brewery, unable to look around but tried the beers on tap at the pub.
Special thanks to the Barossa Brewers. GMK held a brew day, had a ball and met some talented brewers (great stout Mark), thanks also Ken, Wayne, Brendan, Clive. Also had a beer or ten with BYB Andrew (Vorboden Frucht, WOW!), holy **** Batman, the sheds in the Barossa are a real surprise.
Anyway thanks guys enjoyed the hospitality!
Visiting the Micros was a pleasure, the beers were great, The Steam Exchange, Lobethal Bierhaus (have to come back again to try your beer Phil), they were all so welcoming and willing to show off their breweries (especially Peter, Knappsteins) and take time to talk beer/brewing. What a great location for The Steam Exchange. Also visited Greenock Brewery, unable to look around but tried the beers on tap at the pub.
Special thanks to the Barossa Brewers. GMK held a brew day, had a ball and met some talented brewers (great stout Mark), thanks also Ken, Wayne, Brendan, Clive. Also had a beer or ten with BYB Andrew (Vorboden Frucht, WOW!), holy **** Batman, the sheds in the Barossa are a real surprise.
Anyway thanks guys enjoyed the hospitality!