No Chillers And Beer Can Chicken Fans

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Scientists at the University of Cincinnati in the US say that when the same new and used polycarbonate drinking bottles were exposed to boiling hot water, BPA, an environmental estrogen, was released 55 times more rapidly than before exposure to hot water.

Great!! so now Im going to grow breasts?? :icon_chickcheers:
More streamlined on the chicken's butt? :unsure:

Also sounds like polycarbonate sight glass users should be more afraid than no-chillers

Is HDPE and polycarbonate the same?

Warren -
Isn't polycarbonate that clear strong plastic as per the baby bottles in the article, and the more flexible ones used for water bottles ?
The cubes are thicker, not clear and a different type of plastic, so maybe (hopefully) they don't have BPA ???

AFAIK, polycarbonate and HDPE are not at all the same thing.

But, if it turns out to be an issue, we could form a new "support" group for no-chillers...

How about: "Beer Bras".
"Unfortunately, polycarbonate plastic bottles and containers are identified by the plastic recycling symbol #7, which is used for a wide variety of plastics and plastic mixtures that fall into the "Other category. Unless this #7 symbol is accompanied by the letters "PC, theres no sure way to tell if the container in question is made from polycarbonate or some other kind. To be safe, environmental advocates suggest simply avoiding #7 plastics altogether and opting for safer choices for food and beverage storage. These better options include polypropylene (#5 PP), high density polyethylene (#2 HDPE), and low density polyethylene (#4 LDPE). No evidence has been found to suggest that these plastics leach toxic materials. Scientists advise against the repeated use of plastic water bottles made from plastic type #1 PETE as there is evidence to suggest that such bottles leach a compound known as DEHA, which is classified by the EPA as a possible human carcinogen, as well as acetaldehyde, which has received the same designation from the International Agency for Research on Cancer."

Men could get....

"Beer Thighs"
How do you make a beer can chicken using a polycarbonate bottle?

To quote the article...

"the resin linings of food cans"

Ive already got the 'man cans' for the beer bras :icon_chickcheers:
First "monthly" meeting of Beer Bras.

Get together and share a few jugs...