My Lhbs "famous Styke Recipes"

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Hi guys..

After some pretty crappy "supermarket" experiments, I decided to try some "hopping"

Im looking for A corona style beer and a JSGA. Ok.. now the thing is im only using Kits and hops (and liquid malt if needed)

Ive just bulit a Jaycar Temp thing and have the heating belts on the ready!

My LHBS has a "handout" sheet of "styles" and Im thinking why not.. Its not really for me. ive been asked to make some.. I made a corona from the coopers kit which came out ok. and i just saw this resepie and I thought Id get some help..

Corona style 2
Morgans Canadian Light
Wheat Malt (dried) 700g
250g Dex
FH / Hallertau
FH / Sazz
Lloyd's lager booster 100g (?)

Crown Lagar
Morgans Blue Mountain Lager
HBB Ultra Brew (Be2 i think)
FH /Hallertau
Lloyd's lager booster 100g (?)

JSGA (i pinched most of it from from here)
Thomas Cooper Sparkling Ale
1.5kg Amber Malt
FH/ amarillo dont know how much

as this one's a Kit type of projext a lot of the tips i found here were for the AG guys. so anyone made any JSGA clones?

Ok Im not a clone type of guy! lets make that point now.. since starting to brew im now a big fan of my own lucky experiments and im going to start making my own resepies from scratch soon with unhopped malt. These ones are just some quick "crowd pleasers"

Ill list some other "clones" any ideas.. The reason I ask is... is this list a "put on"? will all these "clones" be crap?

Heres some more (thers dozens)

Morgans Australian Bitter
HBB Brew Booster
Lloyd's lager booster 100g

Morgans Royal oak Amber Ale
1kg LDM
FH / Tettnager
FH / Goldings
Lloyd's lager booster 100g

Newcastle Brown
Morgans Royal oak Amber Ale
Amber Liquid Malt 1.5kg
200g Dark Dried Malt
FH / Fuggles
Lloyd's lager booster 100g

(Ive just bottled the above two and I think they stalled at 1016. I used Premium yeast and it wasent that cold. the Killkenny smelled really "flowery")

Morgans Goldern Sheaf Wheat
500g Corn Syrup Powder
500g Dex
Lloyd's lager booster 100g

Tooheys Red
Morgans Blue Maountain Lager
Amber Liquid Malt 1.5kg
Lloyd's lager booster 100g

Carlton Cold
Morgans Australian Lager
HBB Ultra Brew
FH / Cascade
Lloyd's lager booster 100g

Little Creatures
Morgans Australian Pilsenser
HBB Brew Booster
FH/ Cascade
Lloyd's lager booster 100g

Stella Artois
Morgans Canadian Light
HBB Brew Enhancer
FH/ Tettanger
FH / Fuggles
Lloyd's lager booster 100g

Im sick of typing now.. theres dozens more,,

So how would the corona come out?.. wheat!!!?
What is lloyds lager booster? I've seen it in all the above recipes. Just wondering what it does ? What does it boost if you are not making a lager?
Dr Smurtos Golden Ale Recipe K&B version. ( damn good )..

1x Coopers Sparkling
1x Coopers Wheat malt extract
15g amarillo@15 mins
15g amarillo@5 mins
15g amarillo dry hopped

yeast US 05

Just done a slight variation on this with 1Kg dry wheat extract + 300g rye caramel (steeped ).
400g raw sugar.

Got the hop boil slightly out ended up with 25mins and 15mins.amarillo.

Final result more bitterness than JSGA but a much better drink IMHO.

So good I will be using it as a standard regular brew along with Boonies APA.
Whoever made up those recipes has obviously never actually tasted the result. Since when is Carlton Cold a wheat beer? :blink: or Stella Artois tasted of Fuggle :blink:
Thanks for the quick replys. Ill be making that JSGA tomorow, after getting some gear first..

One question
15g amarillo@15 mins
15g amarillo@5 mins
15g amarillo dry hopped

What does that mean!

As a Hop newbie Ive been simmering the hops for 10 mins with the "sugar" before throwing into the fermenter with all the other goodies.

So if im right Do i boil up my "wheat extract" and when on the simmer put in 15G of Amarillo for 15mins. then after 15 mins put in another 15g for 5 mins and just before pitching the yeast chuck in another 15g's?

I know you'll all thing this funny but I don't know!!

and the Lloyds lagar booster (they make a bitter one as well) is a small baggie with some pale chalky stuff. it turns brown when it hits the water and some of it is very fine crumbled leaf material ? brown, . I had a "taste" of it raw and it was very "sour"?
it has this written on the "homemade" packet

(after a printed barcode) XLBL100
To boost and improve Beer Flavor, Add Contents to hot water or wort and add to the fermenter. DO NOT BOIL
The Barn, Eastern Service Rd, Bruce Hwy Qld 4505 PH 07-38881400

So buggerd if i know what is, Interesting to find out.. they Sell A LOT of it at this particular HBS

How about the corona is that an OK method?
Hmm... what's the bet this "lager booster" has dry enzyme in it? That's all I can think of that may be common to lagers and not being able to withstand boiling.
Hmm... what's the bet this "lager booster" has dry enzyme in it? That's all I can think of that may be common to lagers and not being able to withstand boiling.

It could be gelatine fining, made from gelatine leaves.

Edit: no, it couldnt be gelatine if there is 100 grams of the stuff in the recipe.
Dissolve 100g DME or Dry Wheat extract in 1L water

Bring to boil set timer for 15 mins chuck in 15g amarillo hop pellets after 10 mins chuck in another 15g amarillo hop pellets at 0 mins take off heat.

Allow to cool or rapid cool.

Method put pot into a sink partially filled with cold water and ice to bring down temp quickly.

When cool add liquid to fermenter with other ingredients.

I pour the liquid through a clean kitchen flour sieve to get rid of the hop gunk others don't bother and pour the lot into the fermenter vessel.

I bottle straight from primary and as I am dry hopping after about 5 days prefer to have a little less muck in the FV. Or you could use a Stainless Steel Tea Ball to contain the hop pellets for the dry hop to avoid much of the hop residue.

All personal preference really no rigid rules on how to do it.

I think the Smurto recipe is better than the commercial brand and is probably like a 50/50 between Golden Ale and Amber.
I don't think its dry enzime! Ive used it before and its nothing like that.. I could have traces of it in it though! and no it's not finnings either.

Its like chalk. its whiteish has very small bits of brown in it and when added to the wort goes "brown" !

It's from a HBS in North Brisbane near chermside.

I Used it in my 2nd ever Home Brew 4 months ago. A VB clone. and it added a bit to the flavor. it came out a lot better than just a kit and kilo.

still it's funny no one's used it. (well not many people are "still" into kits like me eh!)

so does a corona with wheat sound good?
Can you get the Morgans range from a supermarket? Wish I could.

Alls my supermarket has is coopers international range, basic coopers, couple of tooheys tins and cascade.
Thanks Tropical brewer, Up north I see. My Wife comes from those parts!

Thanks for the info.. much as I though. How about the "dry Hopping" That's now mystifying me.
Do i dump the last 15g's in on the 2nd day or the 5yth day or when i add the yeast?!?!

Its a weird term "Dry Hopping" To me it sounds like i sprinkle a bit in each bottle when bottling!

in the other Boils ive just pored the liquid with hops into the fert. A little residue dosent worry me. In fact I admire it in a beer! But each to his own. And I may change my tune!
No I go to a LHBS which is 1hr away. Its in North Brisie. there are a few around but this one has lots of stock.
The smaller ones ive been to have "older" kits and for the most part their sugur's all were "tainted!"
What is lloyds lager booster?

That seems to be the obvious question when looking at those recipes. Maybe it's opium. Who's going to care if it tastes like camel bollocks after the first pint?

and the Lloyds lagar booster (they make a bitter one as well) is a small baggie with some pale chalky stuff. it turns brown when it hits the water

Brown Sugar ? How come you dance so good?

There isn't an emoticon suitable....

I reckon it's probably part maltodextrin.

Corona uses corn as far as I know. What you're looking at making is more in line with a kit based hefeweizen. Personally I think that's a good thing as I find Corona very bland. It's not my beer though.

If you're aiming for crown I think they're probably in line with most other big name aussie beers and use pride of ringwood. I'm not 100% on that.

If I were you I'd just start with one or two. Personally I'd go the extract version of the smurto golden ale - I've tried the AG version and it's a cracker. very similar to JS but at the right temperature I reckon it's better.
My LHBS recommends:


Brewcraft Mexican Cereza
500g DME
500g Dextrose
Dry Enzyme

Crown Lager

Morgans Blue Mountains Lager
500g DME
250g Dex
250g maltodextrin
Hallertau Hops
From the crown/fosters website:

It's the special care taken to select only the choicest Australian barley and the best Pride of Ringwood hops, along with the attention to detail in the brewing process, like the extended lagering, that creates this premium beer.


Not sure where hallertau comes into it.
What is lloyds lager booster?

Lloyds Boosters are a mix of dry malt extract and hops IIRC. Arent they a Homebrew Oasis (in Kedron) concoction.Last time i saw one of those packs the hops were brown.