Morgans Blue Mountains Lager

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interested in trying it as i've heard its pretty a pretty good kit anyone got a got recipe they could share with me please.

Cheers Jon
From HBKitReviews, the general consensus seems that its a great kit, just add 1kg of malt and some finishing hops like Hallertauer, Saaz, or even PoR if you like it. Ferment low at 10-12C with a lager strain (S-23 for example), or 18-20 with a neutral ale strain (US-05)
I've made this kit recently.

Added 1kg DME and 1.5 hop plugs of hallertau (dunno how many grams this his) for a 5 min boil, then strained off into fermenter.

I fermented with the supplied kit yeast at 16 degrees. Took about 12 days to get down to 1.014. Kegged and into the fridge.

It took about 2 weeks to become really drinkable and mellow out. I will definitely make this kit again, in fact I'm planning one with a saf lager yeast and Hallertau hops again.

Very very nice. I don't think the current keg will last much longer. :beer:

Ive got some LDME would that work ok? if not what would be best
put mine down with 1.7kg tin of morgans pale malt, 250gm of dex and 12gm of steeped cascade.. basically just a hodge podge of crap i had laying around.. after 4 days at 18 deg its down to 1018, still a couple of days left.. tastes a tad malty ;)
put mine down with 1.7kg tin of morgans pale malt, 250gm of dex and 12gm of steeped cascade.. basically just a hodge podge of crap i had laying around.. after 4 days at 18 deg its down to 1018, still a couple of days left.. tastes a tad malty ;)

i was also thinking abuot a tin of pale malt,more than likely will use it next time let me know how yours turns out

cheers Jon
I made up one of these about a year ago. I added Morgans Beer Enhancer, 250 g dextrose and Hersbrucker (2 x teabags). Turned out very nice. Very easy drinking.

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