From HBKitReviews, the general consensus seems that its a great kit, just add 1kg of malt and some finishing hops like Hallertauer, Saaz, or even PoR if you like it. Ferment low at 10-12C with a lager strain (S-23 for example), or 18-20 with a neutral ale strain (US-05)
Added 1kg DME and 1.5 hop plugs of hallertau (dunno how many grams this his) for a 5 min boil, then strained off into fermenter.
I fermented with the supplied kit yeast at 16 degrees. Took about 12 days to get down to 1.014. Kegged and into the fridge.
It took about 2 weeks to become really drinkable and mellow out. I will definitely make this kit again, in fact I'm planning one with a saf lager yeast and Hallertau hops again.
Very very nice. I don't think the current keg will last much longer. :beer:
put mine down with 1.7kg tin of morgans pale malt, 250gm of dex and 12gm of steeped cascade.. basically just a hodge podge of crap i had laying around.. after 4 days at 18 deg its down to 1018, still a couple of days left.. tastes a tad malty
put mine down with 1.7kg tin of morgans pale malt, 250gm of dex and 12gm of steeped cascade.. basically just a hodge podge of crap i had laying around.. after 4 days at 18 deg its down to 1018, still a couple of days left.. tastes a tad malty
I made up one of these about a year ago. I added Morgans Beer Enhancer, 250 g dextrose and Hersbrucker (2 x teabags). Turned out very nice. Very easy drinking.