bit of a list there, so ok,,,,,
1.......yes, i mean 5gm. (that's why i wrote 5gm). that's a fairly normal range of adding steeping hops (if we remember back to our kit days). cos the bittering hops have already done their job. this is purely for aroma. did i mention boiling water?? thanks for your 'response' to an honest question.
2......all mentions of tea that i have come across have been described as dry hopping, including by famous and great pro brewers, great and venerable people that they are. you probably can't name one off the top of your head without google, so let's not generate vacuous association. yes, as i already noted, maybe this post, maybe earlier, that i am aware that it is different to dry dry. but thank you so much for pointing this important point out as succinctly as you did. however, you didn't even attempt to answer my question.
3......i think my theory on high hopped crap by 'great pro brewers' stands. it's hardly rocket science. try and taste malt in most of them. you can't. if you can, then you are either dillusionary or you're telling tiddlies. that says dextrose and lots of it. it's not pro, and it ain't great. exceptions of course but not restricted to eg ~ endeavour (endeavour amber ale, drool drool), balter. (whatever happened to their brown ale?? that was serious good). if i'm 'insulting' the work of most of them, then so be it. they're selling beer-swill dosed up with hops and flogged off as something you 'craft'. they should feel ashamed, not insulted.
4......i agree that beersmith (a fine piece of software) shows late IBU, but on the design page, you need a magnifying glass to pick the slide difference.
let me see, 171 grainfather brews, along with biab, kit and whatever you do before that. yep. complete novice and i clearly don't have a f****g clue. not that this matters on this forum. because the forum is shared as a supportive learning experience for all. novices, great pro's, tosspots, the completely clueless. so when you haven't dry hopped before, as i haven't, you can confidently and freely ask dumb questions without being stomped on by some random camp Kommandant who decides to kick the **** out of somebody. had a barmy with the missus, did we??
this is the main thrust of my post. how dare you just stomp all over somebody's valid and innocent brew questions.
and you didn't even attempt to answer the forum question. so what's your point? (no need, not interested).
your abject attempts at australian english spelling (it's there, go and find it), your abrasive writing style, combined with your neoliberal veneration of anybody who you think is famous and 'pro' (usually attributed to PR and marketing, and quite american in its usage) tells me you're from the arse end of texas or somewhere. do you even know where bendigo is?? that's ok. I'm not sure which state texas is in either. for quote 'absurd and laughable', look no further than yeah, let's not go there.
maybe you got aussie and ozzie mixed up. try the sesame street site. i'm sure the kids there will think you're a tad droll. and you can bully THEM instead. they're probably shorter than you, they're certainly shorter than me.
now, i just need a mat so i can go and pay homage to you.
toss off, mate