Larger Lagers

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This is going to seem really picky to some people but can I explain the difference between Larger and Lager.

adj. larger, largest

-Of greater than average size, extent, quantity, or amount; big.
-Of greater than average scope, breadth, or capacity; comprehensive.

noun 1. Also called lager beer. a beer stored from six weeks to six months for aging before use.
verb (used with object) 2. to age (beer) usually by storing in tanks at just-below freezing temperatures for several weeks or months.

In other words you can drink a larger lager but you can't make a larger, buy a Coopers Larger kit or larger your beer in the fermenting cupboard. :rolleyes:

That's my Friday afternoon 2 cents worth anyway...I think I need a beer :chug:
But my old fella is lager than yours!
That could be the case. I've been drinking too many lager largers.

I think I might lager my larger lager longer next time so that I can drink a larger lager before the droop sets in. :D

I thought I was going to learn about bigger lagers...
This is not about Lagers at all!
I contribute quite a bit to Whirlpool's Broadband forum, there is a thread there based on the use of English (and its abuse) that is into its fourth incarnation. Good to see there are people who still value good grammar and spelling in the age of SMS.

I have to say Pete, I get really distracted by poor spelling in forums (larger/lager, quiet/quite, they're/there/their), but I put up with it for the greater goal of brewing better beer....!

I have only one real dislike: the incorrect use of homphones.

Unless there has been an 'o' drought lately, I want to suggest that when using phrases such as, "I like it '2' ", it has to be the 'too' '2'!

I like beer too.

I use malt too.

I can spell too.

Let me hereby offer a spare 'o' to all those posters who have neglected including their little friend, and write things like:

"..if that is to much flavour".
"..after a few to many home brews".

Edit: correcting 'n' drought.
Perhaps those that spell "lose" with an extra "o" can donate theirs to the needy people that can't spell "too".
That would be an 'o' drought. :) I luv largers to much for my oan gud
Cmon fellas, what's their too loose. Don't you no its bad too make fun of people that cant SPELL WHATS THAT SORRY IM SHOUTING. ;)

I think there's an apostrophe drought. People keep getting It's (it is) and Its (theirs) mixed up, as well as the old their/there thing. At least we're not seriously debating how to pronounce foreign stuff yet
I "defiantly" agree.

As for all those missing o's and apostrophes, I also would like to mention the war again, with the Americanised spelling of things, such as "aluminum", for goodness' sake.
Also, any word with an "s" in it that has been replaced with a "z" (zed, not zee), that the Yankification of our media has created. I'm thinking of words such as "emphasized" and "realized" and "energized".

However, I'm supportive of innovative and creative new spellings such as the Tony-fication of language on this forum. I love the term "rice gulls".

In closing, I suggest that Microsoft release Aussie versions of their software, where you don't have install a separate dictionary because it already has the right version installed. Flippin' cheek.
If they don't they should all be sent to "jail". :lol:


(* Edit - where are the larger lagers here? I was expecting to read about an elephant beer clone or maybe a malt liquor. Maybe I should been thinking about the lyrics to "Born Slippy"...larger, larger, larger, larger, larger, larger.)
I have to say Pete, I get really distracted by poor spelling in forums (larger/lager, quiet/quite, they're/there/their), but I put up with it for the greater goal of brewing better beer....!
I generally put up with it as well but an Internet forum is all about the written word and if you can't spell (or proof read if you can't type) then it's just lazy. I think if you are interested enough to bother going to a forum in ther first place, then you should be interested enough to learn some of the terminology and spelling. <_< A bit of punctuation doesn't go astray either. :D

I must apologise to all those people expecting a recipe for a 10% lager as well. Would be good though. :beer:
Dogfish heads Imperial Pilsner
Approx 7kg pils malt
225g carapils

28g saaz @ 60 mins
15g saaz @ 20 mins
7 g saaz @ 10 mins
Some whirfloc
7 g saaz @ flameout
28 g Hallertauer, 2-3 week dry hop

OG 1089
FG 1016
ABV 9%

Wy2035 or WLP 840 yeast.

Have I gone off topic here? :lol:
EDIT - abv, etc...
Good one Trent.
I was wondering when we'd get to the heart of this matter.
That post was early. Prior to the early surf mission, was it?

I have to ask, is that a std US-sized 19 litre (5 US Gallon) batch?

Is that really Dogfish Head? What, no licorice?

Yep, its a standard 19L batch for the seppo's, and surprisingly, no licorice!
And yes again, it was prior to the surf mission. Unemployed now and just had my best monday in MONTHS! Got up at 5am, had some brekky, then headed to a secluded little beach with a friend where we got really good waves, and I surfed for just shy of 4 hours! I havent surfed that long in a week lately, let alone before 10am! Next up was a siesta, and now I am packing some stuff to go and visit Shawn at the Pub with No Beer. I'll look for work on thursday! Having too much fun right now :lol:
All the best
What a life!
i like it when people refer to their hopsocks made out of muslim cloth rather than the standard muslin cloth.

i'm not sure our fanatical towel-headed friends would like their cloths being dunked in a tub of secondary for a few days.... :blink:
i like it when people refer to their hopsocks made out of muslim cloth rather than the standard muslin cloth.

i'm not sure our fanatical towel-headed friends would like their cloths being dunked in a tub of secondary for a few days.... :blink:
Anything that brings us closer together must be for the common good :)
In closing, I suggest that Microsoft release Aussie versions of their software, where you don't have install a separate dictionary because it already has the right version installed. Flippin' cheek.
If they don't they should all be sent to "jail". :lol:

My version of Office (2000 and XP) has had the Australian dictionary included- it's on default.