I had lotsa barrels on the old AHB..
So whilst I'm unable ( read not allowed lol ) to brew due to the arrival of our bub 7 weeks ago , I have been making other alcoholic delights in the kitchen in small amounts of time.Currently I have some of brewer Pete's JAO on the go and some of Thirsty's rice wine ( I'm on the iPhone so too hard to link ) All of these are fermenting away quietly and require minimal work or set up..compared to my 3v system.
SO in December's BYO magazine , there was an article for about Kvass , which is an old style slightly alcoholic ( 1 or 2 % ) drink made from rye bread . Now whilst the article gave some simple recipes , it also went into detail about some more detailed mashing recipes. Now all of these are too hard to do at the moment , so ive done a little research and found this little gem , which I hope to make today and take to Westgates meeting on Sunday !
Anyway...KVASS recipe i found online below....which is a traditional recipe and not like the BYO recipe in so far as there is no boiling or mashing as such....
1.3 gal. water (4.9 litres)
1.1 lbs. black rye bread (.500 g)
0.45 oz. yeast (13g)
3.5 oz. sugar (100g)
0.35 oz. mint (10g)
1. Slice the bread and dry it in the oven. The rusks should be ruddy but not burnt.
2. Put the rusks in the sausepan, pour the boiling water, cover the contents and draw for 2-3 hours.
3. Strain the infusion through clothing without pressing, add the yeast, mint and sugar.
4. When kvass starts to foam, filter it again, pour out in bottles, put 3-5 raisins into each bottle and cork them.
5. Leave kvass for 2-3 days until it is ready.
Tips for Making and Serving Kvass
1. The water used for kvass must be soft.
2. Store kvass in the cool place after you have poured it into bottles.
3. Kvass is best served chilled in hot weather
Wish me luck !
SO in December's BYO magazine , there was an article for about Kvass , which is an old style slightly alcoholic ( 1 or 2 % ) drink made from rye bread . Now whilst the article gave some simple recipes , it also went into detail about some more detailed mashing recipes. Now all of these are too hard to do at the moment , so ive done a little research and found this little gem , which I hope to make today and take to Westgates meeting on Sunday !
Anyway...KVASS recipe i found online below....which is a traditional recipe and not like the BYO recipe in so far as there is no boiling or mashing as such....
1.3 gal. water (4.9 litres)
1.1 lbs. black rye bread (.500 g)
0.45 oz. yeast (13g)
3.5 oz. sugar (100g)
0.35 oz. mint (10g)
1. Slice the bread and dry it in the oven. The rusks should be ruddy but not burnt.
2. Put the rusks in the sausepan, pour the boiling water, cover the contents and draw for 2-3 hours.
3. Strain the infusion through clothing without pressing, add the yeast, mint and sugar.
4. When kvass starts to foam, filter it again, pour out in bottles, put 3-5 raisins into each bottle and cork them.
5. Leave kvass for 2-3 days until it is ready.
Tips for Making and Serving Kvass
1. The water used for kvass must be soft.
2. Store kvass in the cool place after you have poured it into bottles.
3. Kvass is best served chilled in hot weather
Wish me luck !