How Do You Guys Do It?

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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G'day, just recently started home-brewing and i have had some success with extracts and just today started my first partial brew, but i was wondering something.

How in the hell do you guys get around the god-aweful support for the craft in australia, i mean, all (of the two) local homebrew stores sell basically nothing but kits, if i wanted to drink lego-style throw it into a bucket beer then i wouldnt bother brewing. also what little grains they do sell are extortionately expansive.

im thinking there have gotta be some online brewing stores or similar that could help out but i cant find any good ones.

either that or theres some hidden brew stores that i dont know of, or maybe its just different in WA than it is for the rest of the country.

any help would be appreciated
There's plenty out there, you've just got to know where to look. The banner on this site is a good place to start. If your in WA, I think Roy at TWOC is your best bet, but I'm sure some of the other guys on here can help you out.
Gooday Click on Craftbrewer Mashmaster or Grain and Grape. :beer:
If you add your location to your account info, others may be able to point you to your best local resource.

As mentioned above, there are a number of users here who send their grain bill, hop schedule and yeast needs to Craftbrewer and have it delivered to their door.

There are a number of retailers on this forum who have online shopfronts.

Mixmaster F,

You would do well to find your local online shop, or any onlline store, actually.

I used to do business with ESB in Sydney, but now am happy with my lhbs in Newcastle. The email address is [email protected].

MHB from this forum runs/owns the shop, and is a very helpful bloke. He's happy to investigate any interesting items you may wish to purchase. If he's close, I'd recommend him. He's happy to provide advice / prices via phone or email. If someone else, e.g. Ross, is closer, try him.

Any online supplier will get your brew-goods to you in very smart time and in good condition.
A supply of good brew ingredients is now as close as your phone or email.

Seth :p
There was a post about 'Your local LHBS" os something like that, where people posted and rated the shops they used. Forget what it was actually called now and don't have time for a search.
Mixmaster F,

Welcome to the forum. If you're in Sydney, try Gerard at ND BREWING.. That's who I get my supplies from. He even showed me my first All Grain.

There's also a place in North Sydney called Dave's Homebrew. Supposed to be pretty good. Haven't been there, but he's supposed to be pretty helpful.

If you're anywhere else, I've heard nothing but good things about everyone mentioned in the posts above.

Put your location in your sig. and you'll be in business. :beer:


Can i suggest you fill out your location field so people can give you some advice on where to go. If you are in the Perth area you might do well to go to TWOC