Hops ! What To Do With Few Grams Left In The Packet

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Pumpy's Brewery.
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My fridge is getting full of lots of little bags of hops with not enough for a batch .

I dont really buy in bulk these days just get the 90 gram bags as the 'Hop Guru' suggested so you get the freshest hops each time .

Do you plan you hop additions around a 90 gram pack , may as well if the remenants are to remain unused in the fridge for prosperity .

what is your anwer to this annoying problem .

Pumpy :)
Plan your brew how you want it, anything left is a flameout/dryhop addition.

Waste not want not.

edit: i kant spel
I usually plan a couple of brews at a time and figure out what i will need for those and what i have to amke sure i dont have much malt or hops left over. anything out of place int eh next beer jsut gets mixed in with the bittering hops so it wont mess with the flavour.
Just use them to spice up your mid-morning cup of tea gov'nr :p

You could give them to the kids to take to school for show and smell :p
I burn mine at the altar I have set up for the brew gods.

Than I dance naked around the altar praying for more sacrificial hops.
I like to crush mine into a paste, mix it with honey and olive oil and then use it as an aromatic lubricant.
Seriously, if your using ProMash or similar software just add all your little left overs for your 60 minutes bittering hop boil until you have the correct IBU's for what you want.

OK, I'll wave my freak flag.

I hop my yeast starters, so a few stray grams goes a fair way.
Why, U ask?
Coz when I taste the starters, if it tastes like beer, it's easier to tell if something's wrong with my culture.

Seth out :p
I can honestly say I have never had that problem, pumpy. I would like to echo Jim's advice, however.
Add it to a bottle of chivas regal and make Hop Scotch.......
My last beer was hopped with all the leftover bits and pieces. Ended up using ~120g of about 6 different types of hops, in a hopburst style (ie. very little bittering, most hops added after 20 minutes).

it's not the best beer I've ever done, but more than drinkable
OK, I'll wave my freak flag.

I hop my yeast starters, so a few stray grams goes a fair way.
Why, U ask?
Coz when I taste the starters, if it tastes like beer, it's easier to tell if something's wrong with my culture.

Seth out :p

Hey Les,

I'm with you here. I hop all my starters with the correct hops and the correct amount to achieve the same IBU's for a 15 minute boil as the intended brew.


P.S. I like the name change. At least I can put a face to it. It is rather disappointing to find out that there were so many folks from this forum at the NSW Comp and I have not got a clue who is who.
Should have a real name come out of the closet thread!!
Good idea flame out & dry hop
Ash in Perth ,
Bittering perhaps the only sane idea
The hop pillow was a bit lumpy as they were only pellets .
Stuster ,
Snorting them , a pellet got stuck up my nasal passage .
Add the morning tea Ahh!!Earl Grey Goldings .
Jase ,
Show and smell the kids at school, I got the cane enough dont wanna encourage them.
Johnno ,
Burning at the alter may conjure up some unwanted spirit .
Maxt ,
Crushing mixed with oil for aromatic lubricant ,I am not fussing up my Toyota Valvoline has go a be good enough .
Way to go Promash !!
Les ,
Hopping yeast starter how bizarre!!
Kai ,
I am trying them with flowers not pellet s
Brutis ,
Hop scotch , makes the sporran a bit itchy
Hopfridge ,
Like Tropical Breakfast juice a buit of everything

Pumpy :)
Throw em all in together with a can of supermarket bitter, boil for bitterness and pitch onto slurry. The only beer my (culinary retarded) VB drinking mates have ever complimented!
Throw em all in together with a can of supermarket bitter, boil for bitterness and pitch onto slurry. The only beer my (culinary retarded) VB drinking mates have ever complimented!
Now why didn't I think of that?
What's the freezer life of hops pellets, by the way?

How about throwing some in a pesto for the next bbq?
what about a nice bowl of ground up hop pot pouri in the dunny :p