Heath Ledger Found Dead

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Sad news that the Aussie star has been found dead. Suspected Drug OD. Its ashame as he looks like a bloke who'd enjoy a beer. Great actor also. :(

hadnt actually thought about that. but that doesnt mean im morose or anything. I just have to scour newspapers, online print etc every morning as part of my job. Apparently no one else thinks much about it though (or doesnt know the thread is here).
I was a little shocked when I first read it, then I realised it was him and not the other dude I confuse him with. Scouring brain cant find the name.....

You know the one married to debra lee furness.
Hugh Jackman? how could you confuse the 2? Heath was 28 and Hugh's in his 40's

Maybe it just resonates more with me as he was my age, had a young daughter (as do I - and another on the way) and you never heard anything bad about him, and he always seemed down to earth. he looked after his kid full time when not working etc etc. Its just not something you'd expect. differant story if it was a drug taking rock star or Robert Downy Jr etc.
"Apparently no one else thinks much about it though (or doesnt know the thread is here)."

Its prolly more the case that with the Brittany spears 'hoo haa' and Lindsay Lohan stuff ups, that to make any mention would just leave you open to all sorts of comments..

BTW, got the first SMS 'joke' about it....pretty sad...less then 24hrs after the fact
really? jokes? poor form. esp as it seems is was accidental. I feel for the guy as im also an insomniac and take sleeping tablets. Its hard going when you cant sleep over long periods of time. I was disgusted when I heard on the radio last night that some dumb arse church group intends on disrupting his funeral becuase they beleive he belongs in hell for portraying a gay man in brokeback mountain. WTF! now playing a gay persons condems you to hell.. F*CK some people are stupid and ignorant.
Unbelieveable, just goes to reinforce every belief I have about religion.
That church mob will have to get moving if they wanna picket the funeral, and start spending some of their ill-gotten tax-free money on airfares, I believe he's getting laid to rest back here in Perth.
If they do get here, it's a fair bet they won't be met with friendly faces.
predictable how the media is in a feeding frenzy over his death.
sadly his family will be given no privacy as the vultures swoop to cash in , and claim it is in the publics interest.
no respect shown in the gimme gimme, lets cash in ,media.
yep as you have guessed i have no time for the media on matters like this.
just watch (if you can)that morning program on tv that is on when the sun comes up (guess).
does that get me up and off to work in a flash.......cheers.spog.
its a bit disgusting is aussie media do it. they should respect his families privacy. i think the perth media might. its just such a waste. if it wasnt intentional or illegal drugs, its soo sad. and his poor kid matilda will hav to remember his father death 2 days before Aus day evry year. regardless its a loss.

again i dont know why its affecting me soo much. i guess its a generational and relativity thing. i guess its similar phenomenom to when kennedy was shot. people identitifed with him.
as a pharmacy student, i wanted to hear the toxicology reports for this one as the original theory was that he died from an overdose of stilnox, but i knew that that along can not kill you very easily (people have survived a 40X overdose, and they come in packets of 14 or 20 in aus) unless mixed with other stuff.

i read it the other day and i find it wierd that they still ruled it an 'accidental overdose' so quickly without any real investigation. dont get me wrong, i do feel for the guy, and even more so for his daughter, but the combination of drugs in his system... well, it just doesnt look that accidental. many of these drugs come with a warning from your doctor not to combine them with other drugs when they are prescribed, when they are dispensed at a pharmacy, and sometimes its even written on the box. the report showed he died as a result of acute intoxication as a result of taking :
- oxycodone - brand name Endone, an opioid analgesic very similar to morphine
- hydrocodone - another opioid analgesic, not sold in Australia, but in America sold in many different forms. the most well known being Vicodin, the painkiller the Dr Gregory House of the TV show House is assicted to/uses.
- temazepam - brand name Temaze or Normison, a powerful hypotic benzodiazepine i.e. a very common sleeping tablet
- diazepam - brand name Valium, a benzodiazepine derivative drug, mainly used as a relaxant more than a sleeping tablet, but does have some effect as a sleeping tablet
- alprazolam - brand name Xanax, another benzodiazepine, this time used to treat severe panic attacks
- doxylamine - many brand names, it is the drowsy part of Mersyndol, or is by itself in Restavit or Unisom Sleep Gels, it is a first generation antihistamine (drowsy inducing) similar to polaramine.

the two analgesics are fine together, and are often prescribed together as effective ways to manage pain. the temazepam and the diazepam are fine also, and are also often prescribed together as effective insomnia treatments. the keystone to the overdose (as many of the pharmacists that i work with think) was the Xanax. by itself it is more likely for an overdose to result in unconsciousness rather than death, but when combined with other central nervous system (CNS) depressants they can have an additive effect (and in the case of a lot of these drugs, it can be a case of 1+1=3 sort of thing). so the xanax combined with 3 other CNS depressants was very possibly the big player here.

it is possible that this was an accidental overdose, but i think that they came to too quick a conclusion in this case, and probably should have investigated it a little more.

please note, this post is not intended to attack Heath or any other people in similar situations. i think it is a tragedy what happened with him, even more so if it truly was accidental. i was just putting the facts out there to inform those that are interested.

and on the point of the christian group protesting at the funeral, it is most likely the Westboro Baptist Church (i saw a thing on them on the Chaser a while ago), the same group behind such stupid websites as **not gonna put them here, if you really care, google them** but they are definitely the sort of group to pull this kind of stupid stunt (they protested at the funeral of a American soldier killed in Iraq because it came out that he may have been gay). a few pages short of a full Bible if you ask me.

again, this post is not intended to be an attack on the memory of Heath Ledger, and apologies if anybody is offended by it.

I wasn interested in the tox report as im a chronic insomniac and take temaz and stilnox. its a horrible thing not being able to sleep and on bad occations ive mixed perscription meds and alcohol to sleep. you just get to a point where you dont care and just want some sleep. I guess it is one of those things that most people will never know one way or another. either way its sad.