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I'm not bashing you personally, I'm sure you're a great guy and I'd love to offer you a beer and have a chat.  But your opinions are rubbish.

I'm saying Vietnam will suffer if they enter into free and fair trade.  It's beneficial for Australians, no doubt, and will create more wealth for Australians.  I've been to Vietnam and for all the ****  they've been through, they're still a hard working, friendly people.  I wouldn't be so friendly if I went through what they've been through.

As a traveller I can't justify getting $5 off a pair of Nikes due to the suffering of my fellow man and I don't need a new phone every year at the expense of some 12 year old African kid mining the necessary materials due to him losing the lottery of life.

Finally, you mate Steve Bannon put it best and of course I'm paraphrasing but he said something along the lines of, "The US has shipped their middle class to China".  And it's true.  And it's happening in Australia.  And it's 100% Capitalism.

Happy for you to reference me material if you think any of my points are incorrect.

EDIT:  Sorry, one last point and I'll shutup.  You extol China but blast Socialism and Marxism.  Last time I checked, China was communist!
