Esb Fresh Wort Not Starting - 3 Days

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Hi everyone

With over 50 successful K&K + K&Bs under my belt, I decided to try a fresh wort pack from the LHBS.

I was a 4.5l ESB Ezy Brew James Squire Pilsner and was supplied with a Morgans dried "lager" yeast, You add 18l moe to get it to 22.5 l.

Went through my usual routine of sanitation - soak fermenter with cup bleach and fill with water and left it for an hour. All utensils are thrown in there as well.

Pitched the dry yeast, and it seemed to look normal. When I looked a couple of hours later, everything was clear, Next morning, still nothing. It was a cold night so I btought it in to let the wort warm up and kick start the yeast. Did the swirl a few time as well.

Next morning nothing, Ni ring, no scum, no condensation on the gladwrap.

Went back to the LHBS and got generic yeast and pitched last night, still nothing.

Aby suggestions? We are at Day 3 with no action. How long before I have to chuck?

Also, how bext to approach the LHBS ( who hadn't heard of AHB unil I showed him, and disagrees with a lot on here)?

Thoughts suggestions appreciated


PS The "lager yeast" said to brew between 15-30 deg C. Also, I found my hydometer broken in it's holder on brewday, so no OG sorry
Well really the only way to tell if it's fermented at all will be a hydrometer reading (or refrac). You need to go and buy another one.
"brew between 15-30"? or pitch ? I thought lager yeasts were brewed under 15*, what is your brew temp,pitching temps,were they bottom ferm yeast,but as Pennywise said get a new hyd fast,take a reading to see if its droping,as for og check with supplier as its a fwk they should be able to supply aprox est og,but if they can't dont chuck untill you get a new hyd, take a reading and if its under 030 you know its fermenting
Did you re-hydrate or just throw in???
Did you oxygenate?
What temp is the Fermentor at?

Lager yeast can take at least 3 days to get going mate... don't stress. Let it go for 2-3weeks.

If it's cold no sweat, it'll start it'll just take a while... if you've pitched a new 'ale' style yeast. Make sure you warm it up
Thanks for the replies everyone

An update - started to take off some time in the ealry am of Friday morning yah!

Not sure which yeast has taken control or if it is a mix of both.

Thanks for your help

4 L + 18 L of water is not really a fresh wort kit.

15-30 degress is a pretty wide range. Does the LHBS have anything more specific? I disagree with some advice on here too but I'd be very wary of anyone telling me to ferment a true lager between 15 and 30 degrees.

That's equivalent to recommending cooking a chicken between 80 and 300 degrees or adding between a pinch and a handful of salt to a bread recipe.

In future, remember; the only real way to tell if a brew is fermenting is to test the gravity (although massive krausen is a dead giveaway, absence of it is not).
( who hadn't heard of AHB unil I showed him, and disagrees with a lot on here)?

Frankly, I find myself disagreeing with a lot on here too BUT I would start to worry about any LHBS that tries to rubbish a source like this one - there are plenty of fantastic blokes giving fantastic info on a regular basis and I know that without them I wouldn't still be excited like a giddy school-girl (the pony-tails help) with every brew - however, I did turn my back on my LHBS's advice a long time ago. If you're able, check out other LHBS local to your area and see if the service is better.

Oh, in regard to your question "How long before I have to chuck?" - only tip a beer if it tastes like vomit or it makes you want to.

Glad to see your beer has got its **** together now. Mother Brew can be a harsh mistress.

Um, try not to think of your mother as your mistress. It makes Christmas dinner quite awkward.

[EDIT: even in stream of consciousness posting, grammar is important]
4 L + 18 L of water is not really a fresh wort kit.

15-30 degress is a pretty wide range. Does the LHBS have anything more specific? I disagree with some advice on here too but I'd be very wary of anyone telling me to ferment a true lager between 15 and 30 degrees.

In future, remember; the only real way to tell if a brew is fermenting is to test the gravity (although massive krausen is a dead giveaway, absence of it is not).

Hey Manticle

The 15-30 deg thing was on the packet of yeast.

I know it should be much lower than that, especially if it is a true lager yeast. Think it is more of a Coopers "lager" yeast (ie a mix of ale and lager yeast).

In regards to the FWK reference, I searched before I posted and got this thread

Which described what I got as a fwb thought I got it right, but will look into it more.

Have got my shiny new hyrdo - lesson learnt!

The ESB kits you're using have a good reputation but differ from fresh wort kits. Presumably ESB also make fresh wort kits but FWKs are usually either ready to go (just add yeats) or need to be topped up with around 4-5 litres to make full volume (single batch 20-23 litres).

I don't know your LHBS guy - s/he may be super. Any specific advice s/he's against or just all of it?