Coopers How To Homebrew Video

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Mercs Own

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Way back in 2000 I hosted the how to home brew with a Coopers home brew kit video which were included in the standard kit you bought from a home brew shop or mega mart. I am just wondering if anyone has bought one of these kits lately and if I am still on the video? Appreciate it if anyone who has bought a kit in the last few months could let me know.


ps, the girl in the video - my co host was/is an absolute spunk and made the day of filming rather an exciting one :rolleyes:
I got the video back in 1997. That was obviously the "pre-you" era Paul. Used to laugh a lot at the man and woman making the beer. She constantly was looking at him as if he'd just farted. :blink:

I remember that video inspiring me and anxiously waiting the required 2 weeks for my first Coopers Lager and kilo of sugar to be ready. Damn filthy stuff almost caused me to quit there and then. Yuck! :lol:

Subsequently I did my first all-grain around 4 months later. :rolleyes:

Warren -
I picked up a second hand brand new in the box kit about 12 months ago and yes you were in there. Not wrong about your assistant phwwoorr. Why dont you nip into target and try and find a box that some rude customer has already opened to see? You were in the booklet too I believe?
HAHAHA I've never seen this vid myself but by the sounds of it I may need to track it down. :D
:lol: :lol: Does nothing escape Youtube?

Just type in Cooper's Homebrew. Looks like you'll pop up a bit Paul. :D

Warren -
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Yep, Merc, my tape sits proudly in the old video shelf right next to Happy Gilmour.
So Merc

When are you gonna pitch "Brewing with the Stars" to the channel 7 brass? :p
Yep, they're all there. I actually watched them a few weeks ago just before attempting my first brew.

The Intro -

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Part 3 -

And the all important part 4 -
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i was cleaning out the brew closet yesterday and came across my copy, blowing the dust off it thinking hmm...should i give it another spin for old times sake then realized i didn't have a vcr anymore,
lets hope they bring out a dvd verison (with directors commentary)

So Merc
When are you gonna pitch "Brewing with the Stars" to the channel 7 brass? :p

Already have in various forms but I beleive they checked out the types that hang out here and well you know.... said NO!
Already have in various forms but I beleive they checked out the types that hang out here and well you know.... said NO!

Something along the lines of The Iron Chef would be awesome :D
i think the tape i have uses paul mercurio not sure i havent watched it , but have lent it to people who have told me he is in it ...
You got to love you tube!!!! Any current purchasers of Coopers brew kits with the video??? I guess they will have to go to DVD now! Damn I wish I that much hair now!
You got to love you tube!!!! Any current purchasers of Coopers brew kits with the video??? I guess they will have to go to DVD now! Damn I wish I that much hair now!

I bought mine on 19Nov last year from Kmart (so I guess good turnover) and it had a VHS cassette with hair.
I bought mine on 19Nov last year from Kmart (so I guess good turnover) and it had a VHS cassette with hair.

So Mercs putting a free sample of hair in each kit now? No wonder the tides going out! :p

ps -sorry merc, no offence intended ;)
Hey Paul. I just got my kit up here in Bundaberg a few months back and it has you in the video in it. I was trying to explain to my Japanese wife who you were and that night 'welcome to woop woop' was on telly. One minute you were telling how to use our brew kit, next minute you were getting shot in the back!

Tell you the truth I didn't think you were a home brewer when I watched the vid but now I've found ya on here I'm convinced. You still a K & K man though?

themooks - in Japan the movie was called Dancing Hero so maybe your wife may remember that or maybe not - not sure what K & K is?

Thanks to all as I can tell that yes I am still in the video I just wish I had points as it is my biggest seller yet!! Ah it is good to be in a best seller!

I shot the vid in 2000 but had been kit brewing since 1988 so I am not sure why someone got the impression I didnt know a bit about brewing.

Sadly I shot this video the day after I buried my brother after he commited suicide, not an easy day - but a beer certainly didnt go astray!

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