Love German beers, even the cheaparsed $30 slabs have a different flavour than the usual aussie POR lager. It's not dressed up to be anything other than a cheap way to get pissed.
Better german lagers (well, the famous brands) are still just session beers to me. Nothing to get excited about, but they go down well
Went to Bavarian Bier Cafe last week with workmates for an Oktoberfest dinner. Saw their 5 octoberfest's they had advertised, and they had the flyer on their counter. But when we went to order a round, they'd sold out.
Barman: "but ve haff da [insert fast guttural sounding german beer name here] vich iss kinduv un octoberfest beer. Iss dark und malty".
Me: "What was that called again?"
Workmate: "doesn't matter, gimme 3 of them"
It was bloody lovely. Tasted Dunkel/schwartz territory to me.
Hot barmaid came over... me: "can we get another round of this?"
barmaid: "Da [insert fast guttural sounding german beer name here]? Ya!"
As she was getting them, I wrote down what I heard "TI OOM FART DOOR" and showed it to her..."Pardon me I'm a beernerd and I have to know what this is called, have I spelt it right?" She laughed and bent down to rewrite it.
Later on I looked at what she wrote.... at the time we were too busy enjoying the closeup view of one of the best cleavage in the bar.
Oh yeah the beer was the Triumphator. Very nice indeed.... so is the mammary memory.