Beer Poetry

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My wonderful wife bought me a book a while back

Its called Beer, Gloriuos Beer! By Cyril Pearl

No recipes, mashing, extracts, hops ect in this one, its about australian beer culture as the country developed and its a great read. She got it off ebay and when we got it it had a postcard from 1971 in it so its an old book Published in 1969

It has a chapter filled with great poems and song lyrics.

the one in my signature came from the book and i found one that is great......... i thought i would share


Somewhere behind the frosted pipes that hold our liquid chear
There lurks a man - a noble man - the man who brews the beer
His splendid work is never done, for winter, too, enjoys
the beer that makes hot summer laugh for dry colonial boys
The sugar cane its sweetness yeilds, the good earth gives its hops
And heaven pours its cold rain in before the ripe beer pops
But here's the wizard of it all who mixes cloud and clod
And from it brews a golden drink that makes of man a god
Ice soda fiends mix acid drinks at tombstones set on end
and garnish them with ice and dyes to make a deadly blend
Then suck them up through silly straws thet should be in their hair
The foolish straws that ***** eat and crazy people wear
The sneaking "near beer" hypocrite who shamelessy does sing
His vile decoction has the taste but does not have the sting
This criminal i would consign to dungeons dank and drear
because he desecrates a name - the sacred name of beer

I says there are 3 more verses and the last one reads......

Beer bubbles in the glassy pump and chuckles as it flows
And happy is the man who feels its foam kiss on his nose
A liquid blessing in the throat, it gives us joy and nerve
And makes us dream of wondrous drinks that angel barmaids serve
When everlasting summer comes and earths last beer is poured
The man who brews the beer will seat his faithful on the sward
And closing time will never come or coopers full of wrath
To spill the beer of paradise - the last beer of St froth.
Tony I found a copy of that book about 10 years ago. It is a very interesting read, although I am no great fan of poetry. There are some good cartoons in it too. I think Stuster has my copy at the moment.
Tony I found a copy of that book about 10 years ago. It is a very interesting read, although I am no great fan of poetry. There are some good cartoons in it too. I think Stuster has my copy at the moment.

Damn. :ph34r:

And here I didn't post a reply to Tony's post, thinking it might remind you of that very fact. :lol:

Good book. Soon to be off my bookshelf. :p
Sounds tops Tony, I'd like to get my hands on it... :super: Another great read of a similar nature is "The Amber Nectar" by Keith Dunstan. It's a historical account of beer and brewing in Victoria.

While we're in beer poetry mode... :rolleyes:

Here's a long life to Carlton,
Which I'll ever hold me dear;
If I get outside six glasses,
Not the devil will I fear.

As for Shamrock, dear old Shamrock,
O, the fun I've had with you -
Never finer glasss of nectar
Did a goddess ever brew.

There's another one I'm fond of -
'Tis McCracken's City Ale:
For a drop of good City,
Bet your boots I'll never fail.

Castlemaine, you ask me next, sir,
'Tis a drink that's fit for kings.
I could drink it, sir, for ever
But alas! for other things.

Want to know which I like best, sir,
Why I like the blooming lot,
When I give up taking all, sir,
Have me, like a soldier, shot.

Warren -