Looking to brew a beer in a few weeks to have put on tap, at our roastery.
I'm going to brew for the guys an American Red IPA. I have downloaded the BJCP style guide 2015.
I was thinking of using an Coopers Amber ale can as my base, and to provide some of the crystal malt colour/flavour I'm hoping for.
Using Ian's spreadsheet, and doing some recipe research I've come up with the following:
Coopers Amber ale 1.7kg
Pale ale malt 3kg
CaraRed 200g
Caramunich II 200g
Dextrose 750g
Azacca 15g @ 60min (17.35 IBU's)
Cascade 20g @ 60min (15.12 IBU's)
Azacca 5g @ 15min (2.7 IBU's)
Cascade 10g @ 15min (3.75 IBU's)
Yeast - US-05
OG 1.058, FG 1.011, IBU 67 ECB 31 ABV 6.3
Some questions, to improve the malt character of this beer what's the best move re base grains. Just a pale ale or a pale ale and maybe a kg of amber? Comments on the specialty grains? To say Cascade is an aromatic hop, does that mean it's mean to be added in the last 15 min of the boil? Would it be cool to dry hop with both? I am thinking of doing that.