Almost My First Big Mistake

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made a starter from a saflager s-23 yeastcake, had it in a V8 bottle with lid on, left for couple of hours until i was ready to pitch, took lid off and woah PFFFFFT the lid flies off and hand gets thrown back, lucky not to be picking glass shrapnel out of my chest. Wont put the lid on securely next time. gladwrap doesnt seem like such a bad alternative, or a balloon. at least the yeast is off to a flying start!
Beer or Safety goggles a must!

Glass shards not good...
Loose fitting aluminium foil will let any gas out while keeping the bugs out apparently. I have a few wyeast forbidden fruit starters in the fridge in glass bottles with crown seals on :S
When I was in high school a guy in my class, who wasn't too bright, heard that baking soda + vinegar will foam. So he grabbed an empty '40' (approx 1.2l) GLASS vodka bottle and poured in a lot of baking soda, then vinegar, and capped it. Then he taped the cap. Then he started to shake it. Imagine holding a full glass bottle sideways, one hand on each end. He managed to go up, then down and that's when it blew. He had over 200 stitches in his face alone. The amazing thing is that he didn't get any glass in his eyes. His ears were torn, even his nostrils. <_<

I use aluminum foil too, but I spray the foil and bottle with lysol just in case. No infections yet.
When I was in high school a guy in my class, who wasn't too bright, heard that baking soda + vinegar will foam. So he grabbed an empty '40' (approx 1.2l) GLASS vodka bottle and poured in a lot of baking soda, then vinegar, and capped it. Then he taped the cap. Then he started to shake it. Imagine holding a full glass bottle sideways, one hand on each end. He managed to go up, then down and that's when it blew. He had over 200 stitches in his face alone. The amazing thing is that he didn't get any glass in his eyes. His ears were torn, even his nostrils. <_<

I use aluminum foil too, but I spray the foil and bottle with lysol just in case. No infections yet.

The sad thing is that would have been so funny if it was a PET bottle :lol:
When i first started using liquids, i used to make a big starter, then cap 7 or 8 samples into bottles, and store in the fridge. Once,i did it as the eyast were going nuts, thinking i'd have fresh yeast ready to go. Long story short, they blew the fridge door oper, and there is still glass embedded in the door. I threw the rest straight in the wheelie bin, where every few hours BOOM, until they all went. Sooooo dangerous. Now i use PET, and wait til its calmed down before capping.
The Oztops lids are the way to go - these are lids that fit PET & juice bottles, and have a small cut in them and a fibre(?) filter disc on the underside that allows for gas exchange when the pressure gets too high.

i love these kits, its a dead easy way to make small batch fizzy fruit wines (think Lanbrusco style) & ciders (good for the wives too, if they dont enjoy drinking your beer) and with the added bonus of a safer system when making starters.

Or..... yea, just glad wrap and a rubber band if you dont need/want to make your own wines.
Hi Jase, I know this is off topic but when you run out of the oztop yeast, do you have to buy it from them or do you source the yeast yourself?
Always looking for a way to keep the trouble and strife happy! :rolleyes:
