Hi guys I couldn't post this in the thread here, http://aussiehomebrewer.com/recipe/1307-bullshead-summer-saison/
I have just put this down yesterday, I have put the fermenter in the loft as that is the warmest place in the house and sits around 28 to 32 degrees Will this be ok for this beer?
This is my second ever brew of anything and has been a steep learning curve thus far. I went straight into to All Grain and the first keg was drinkable so hopefully only improvements can be had.
I have just put this down yesterday, I have put the fermenter in the loft as that is the warmest place in the house and sits around 28 to 32 degrees Will this be ok for this beer?
This is my second ever brew of anything and has been a steep learning curve thus far. I went straight into to All Grain and the first keg was drinkable so hopefully only improvements can be had.