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  1. CyriusBrew

    Nano vs Brewzilla or Guten

    I have a 3v setup where I have pumps/etc... However, I also have Guten I bought in last year's NZ lockdown, and I also have a bag and pot. For me it is horses for courses. I find the Guten to be a pain in the rear for big brews and get stuck sparges unless I reuse the wort for another run...
  2. CyriusBrew


    Actually, my mistake! sorry!
  3. CyriusBrew


    Are you just heating a 1 liter kettle to sparge? What are your mill settings? 70% is pretty darn good I reckon.
  4. CyriusBrew


    I am aiming for 1.062 FG. I can always add some sugar / dextrose
  5. CyriusBrew


    That is a reasonable efficiency. I actually did not raise the temp for the mash out either. I should have done that. I would have gotten a bit higher if I did. Right now, it is looking like 57.2. I won't hit my numbers, but I reckon it will still be tasty, assuming I hit 1.045 after the boil
  6. CyriusBrew


    Today I am brewing a smaller beer, with only a target of 1.062 FG. I also chose to treat it like a typical BIAB with no sparge. The Guten seems to really like a thin mash. The temps were fairly stable, and I stirred every 10 mins or so. Now to wait and see what kind of efficiency I get :) What...
  7. CyriusBrew


    Oh are right! Well. The way I see it is that I can always replumb the thing if I need to, and this would be good for a hermes thing. Right now I only have 1 march pump, and I could possibly make the guten act like a part of a hermes setup if I felt like it. I will be doing the...
  8. CyriusBrew


    I went ahead and ordered this one. It has a stainless steel head, so I reckon it should be able to handle the boil? If not, I can always just move it to my 3 vessel and make up a hermes sort of thing
  9. CyriusBrew


    I would be concerned that if one waits until the temp is below 80 to whirlpool, that there is a chace of infection. (Not likely, but certainly possible) Is the MP10 RN the same size? would it just be a bolt in replacement? I wonder what thread is right, BSP or NPT. The cost does not seem to be...
  10. CyriusBrew


    Well that answers that! I guess there will be no recirculating to chill! (Unless I bring the march pump into the mix) Cheers!
  11. CyriusBrew


    [ I think I got it all out tonight with PBWash, but it is so dark now, that I am not sure. I will definitely keep this idea in mind, as it could probably save me a lot of heartache in the future! Fair call. I did not calibrate the temperature, because in the manual it was not listed as a...
  12. CyriusBrew


    I thought this may be the case, so I ran it at 800w. However, the temps were spiking to above 72c. Great question...No. I have not done any calibrations. I guess I just acted like an Apple fanboi and expected it to just work :P I did however, use a thermometer occasionally in the grain to...
  13. CyriusBrew


    Hi guys... I am in the middle of attempt#2 at a big brew on my new Guten. I have like 7.6kg of gains in it, and in the end hoping for 23 liters of wort. I started at dough in with 25 liters. One thing that I am noticing is that temperature seems to be all over the place. I heated the water to...
  14. CyriusBrew

    What are you brewing 2020 and 2021 ?

    Last minute change...I swapped the Gladfield American Malt for Marris Otter. It was actually an accident, I was just grabbing my base grain, and by default that tends to be MO. Oh well. Maybe it will be pleasant surprise :)
  15. CyriusBrew


    Thank you for the guidance Weal! Learning those other names was very helpful. I found a facebook posting with the specs, but on Reddit, someone posted links to the actual profile. I am installing it now, and will see how accurate it is with my recipe. They call the Guten, the Brewdevil. Here...
  16. CyriusBrew


    Have any of you finished setting up a beersmith profile for the Guten 50L yet? If so, would you mind sharing the profile info with me? I would really help me dial this thing in. :)
  17. CyriusBrew

    What are you brewing 2020 and 2021 ?

    [Deleted Accidental double post]
  18. CyriusBrew

    What are you brewing 2020 and 2021 ?

    Any advise on this? I am planning to brew this on Friday. Hopefully the Oat Hulls will prevent me from getting a stuck mash / sparge in my Guten. I am hoping to not do reiterated mashing to make this work 10.00 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 mins) 0.36 kg Oat Hulls (0.0 SRM) 6.10 kg...
  19. CyriusBrew

    Drill For Monster Mill

    Thank you for your advice Grok. I already have a Crank & Stein 3d, and do not really want to spend money downgrading to a 2 roller. My 18v cordless does not even try to turn the mill with grain in the hopper. I could possibly try malt conditioning, as I note that in a separate thread it has...
  20. CyriusBrew

    Drill For Monster Mill

    Thank you guys! I will pop into Bunnings this week and see if they have one of these in stock!