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  1. eastgummy

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    when's the rapt digital spunding valve going to be in stock? i've been waiting for ages!
  2. eastgummy

    Vienna and Aurora malt for Amber Ale

    They say it´s like melanoidin, but for me Aurora is closer to Aromatic malt. It´s like a light crystal malt but not as sweet caramel-y. All my beers with Aurora have a Belgian vibe, maybe it´s self suggestion. I agree with mhv, I would say it will be a little darker than 12SRM and it sounds...
  3. eastgummy

    A few questions before my first AG brew attempt

    In fact, I've done that 3 times already with the same result. I started to calculate more water to leave all that behind, but I can't stop thinking that's a lot of waste and I'm doing something very wrong here...
  4. eastgummy

    A few questions before my first AG brew attempt

    I came back to this post by chance and ... I eventually bought the autosiphon for transferring the wort from the kettle to the fermenter leaving behind the turb. It didn't go so well... This is what I did: - I chilled using my immersion chiller and the pump in a big ice bucket - Then I removed...
  5. eastgummy

    Hefe without wheat?

    The % of wheat is one of the factors on the banana/clove character you get from hefeweizen yeast. Usually stressing yeast will get more banana but it´s not recommended to stress it too much (underpitching, not areating...). Plain dextrose, typically corn sugar, will get you more banana but it...
  6. eastgummy

    A few questions before my first AG brew attempt

    I know it is a "best practice" but with sometimes that's easier said than done! As you dump the kettle into the fermenter everydthing is mixed, but it settles out or decants again pretty fast. Once the proteins are coagulated they don't dissolve again, do they? The important part is to rack to...
  7. eastgummy

    A few questions before my first AG brew attempt

    I did it exactly at the sAme time you were responding, sorry, I won't do it again. :O
  8. eastgummy

    A few questions before my first AG brew attempt

    About the edit: I put EDIT and removed the parts where I was talking about the differences I found at first. Later on I realised what was happening and nobody had answered, so it didn't make sense, I just thought it could create confusion to people half-reading... No malicious-ness. A part from...
  9. eastgummy

    A few questions before my first AG brew attempt

    Thank you very much, Mark. Yep, I played a little more with it and I found what I was doing wrong with the priming. Now it matches exactly the other one as you explained that's why I edited the post. About the IBUs, you're also right, but honestly, the difference is 11.1 vs 11.3, not really a...
  10. eastgummy

    A few questions before my first AG brew attempt

    I just exported my last recipe from brewersfreind to brewfather and ... EDIT: more or less it matches everything. But I compared the OG calculated and in my original recipe in brewersfriend it was 1053 for brewhouse efficiency of 85% in brewfather to get the OG 1053 I have to lower the...
  11. eastgummy

    A few questions before my first AG brew attempt

    I'm looking into the brewfather app and it looks awesome, i'll give it a go... also it provides 10 free slots for recipes!
  12. eastgummy

    Funky Cider - WLP616

    Long time ago, I know but... How did it go? Which juice did you use?
  13. eastgummy

    A few questions before my first AG brew attempt

    Yes, well, sorry, it is a little bit too much to digest for the first time... At this stage I wouldn't worry too much about the water adjustments (pH and minerals) , that's a little over the top, leave it for the next one. In fact I prefer to use ezwatercalculator for that, it's easier. You...
  14. eastgummy

    A few questions before my first AG brew attempt

    P.S. If when you transfer the wort to the fermenter your gravity was too high (you got better efficiency than expected), you can choose between: - add water until your target OG -> the final % ABV will be the one you wanted - don´t do anything -> the final %ABV will be higher In both cases the...
  15. eastgummy

    A few questions before my first AG brew attempt

    Something I learnt the hard way on my second brew ever is that beer recipes don't scale proportionally (a cross multiplication is not enough). Sure it worked and I got a decent beer, but it was far from what I was expecting. I strongly recommend you try to use a brewing calculator. The more...
  16. eastgummy

    Saison fermentation question

    The level of sourness is something you can measure with pH strips or a pH meter. If you do a kettle sour, the longer you keep your kettle with the lactobacillus at 35° the more lactic acid it will generate, the lower the pH -> more sour. I was talking about the flavour the lactobacillus...
  17. eastgummy

    Saison fermentation question

    nice trick! thanks! you're right, esters and fruity hops aren't a good couple I fermented my orvalish thing at 17ºC with bastogne before adding the bugs and it's awesome. the part i like the most about belgian yeast is the spice-phenols
  18. eastgummy

    Saison fermentation question

    Quote descriptions found online: - Hort 4337: "pineapple and passionfruit as well as stone fruit (peach) and citrus (grapefruit)" - Motueka: "Tropical fruit and citrus" - Nelson Sauvin: "Smooth bittering, rich, fruity, gooseberry and white-wine flavors" I can see why you say so! I'll buy a bag...